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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I need to decrease my energy and energy related exposure. Thinking of the next 3 years, can you recommend 2 stocks from this list to sell? Or am I better off to just sell a portion of each one?
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Grant on July 19, 2024
Q: Good morning,

I am thinking of adding Gibson Energy at an initial 1-2% weight. Looking for income, moderate dividend growth, and some price appreciation potential. I am a little light in the energy space with current holdings in CNQ/SU/WCP, and am hoping you will think this might be a decent addition.


Thanks as always.
Read Answer Asked by Trevor on July 05, 2024
Q: Looking to add some large cap oil exposure, I’m having trouble deciding between the 3 large caps or just buying the XEG etf. Any insights on where you see value/potential at this point in time? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by James on July 04, 2024
Q: I read an article in the paper today about something called the "Stable Dividend Portfolio". Basically it proposed that an investor select and hold the best dividend paying companies in Canada throughout the entire year. (Not buy in May and Go Away". Nor move back and forth from an emphasis on bonds to one on stocks. My questions are:
1. Have you heard of such a strategy and if so, do you agree with it?
2. What 12 Canadian companies would you select for such a portfolio?
Read Answer Asked by Les on July 04, 2024
Q: Between these 2 stocks, both with good growth and dividends, would you prefer for a long term hold. Are their dividend taxed differently in Canada?

Is there another CDN or US stock you prefer to these two?
Read Answer Asked by Graeme on June 27, 2024
Q: Interesting article today in Wall street journal on Canadian oil sand producers.
i like this point: More recently, some companies have started replacing human-operated trucks with autonomous ones. Suncor Energy sees room for even more efficiency: On a call with analysts last month, the company said the WTI crude-oil price at which it can reach corporate break-even could come down by $10 a barrel, or about 19%, by year-end 2026.

Perhaps Buffet will buy in again (not sure if he sold his whole position).
Read Answer Asked by Murray on June 27, 2024
Q: Current overall portfolio weightings in energy and utilities sectors are as follows: ENB 2.5%, ALA 1.5%, TRP 1.5%, SU 1.5%, BIP.UN 1.5%, PD .75%, TOU .75%, CNQ .5%. Please comment on any possible additions, deletions, switches, increased/decreased weightings, considering a long-term (10 year) time horizon and the impending South Bow spinoff involving TRP
Read Answer Asked by Chris on June 20, 2024
Q: Hi team. I'm ok with some risk and am 100% equities with an average 13% return per year over 10 years thanks to your team!!

Now my question. We sold an investment property with the plan to use the money to fund a new investment property which will be built in 3 this is my time frame. The money will be split between a TFSA & a taxable account, with the taxable account having about 75%.

What do you think if these for the TFSA - CSU, BN, SHOP and DOL?

These for the taxable - WSP, ENB, TFII, DSG, BNS, SU, ATD, BEPC, H, and a little more DOL?

Would you reorganize these between the 2 accounts? Alternatively, would you choose something else due to the timeframe?

Thanks a lot!
Read Answer Asked by Ian on June 07, 2024
Q: Hello,
Back in 2015 I started a long-term position in SU, thinking at the time that it was a better choice than CNQ as it was more of an integrated producer.
Didn't really work out that way, but I have done OK and collected a decent yield along the way.
Now that you have added CNQ to your Income portfolio, do you see any value in selling a third to a half of my SU position, buying some CNQ and then continuing to hold both for income long-term?
Read Answer Asked by Roman on June 07, 2024
Q: Hi, With addition of CNQ to Income portfolio, Energy Sector exposure will go up to 12.5% (ENB, PSI, PKI, CNQ and CPD). Balanced Portfolio currently has 7.6% in Energy ( ENB-3.6%, SU-4%). If you had cash, would you increase Energy weight to at least 10%+, Today and if so, will CNQ be your preferred name ?

Also, based on the Companies' financial strength and market dynamics of Energy sector, would you consider a combined weight of 15% ( CNQ, SU and ENB ) reasonable or excessive for a Moderate to High Risk profile investor ?

Thank You
Read Answer Asked by rajeev on June 03, 2024
Q: What do you think of Fru and its future ?Is it a buy, hold or sell?
I have a small account in a non registered account income and i am thinking to add more (for income ) .Or you suggest to sell and buy something else ? Thanks !
Read Answer Asked by Nancy on May 17, 2024
Q: There have been questions asked about what Buffet would probably buy in Canada and 5i said that it would probably be in the energy sector. I wonder whether you would have an idea whether it might be in the oil side or the natural gas side? What do you think would be a likely target for him?
with appreciation
Read Answer Asked by joseph on May 16, 2024
Q: SUncor has suggested that once they reach 12B in debt that they will return 75% of free cash flow to shareholders. As a shareholder I like that. My question is why wouldnt paying down debt be a better marker for shareholders? While I recognize that the Company can write off interest expense against their income, it seems incongruous.
Read Answer Asked by Kelly on May 10, 2024
Q: hello 5i:
From both a valuation pov, and knowing these are some of your favourites, and factoring in that TOU is already owned: if looking for an "oilier" name, it appears SU has the best valuation. Not confining your reply to the listed names, would you agree with this assessment?
Paul L
Read Answer Asked by Paul on May 08, 2024