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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I need to decrease my energy and energy related exposure. Thinking of the next 3 years, can you recommend 2 stocks from this list to sell? Or am I better off to just sell a portion of each one?
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Grant on July 19, 2024
Q: Tourmaline has been on a slide recently. I am looking for a bounce and will be selling my position and would have thought the excessive heat in the US and parts of Canada would have supported the price of Nat Gas and thus Tou. That hasn’t happened.
Could you provide your opinion on the short term, 3-6 months, price of Nat Gas and Tourmaline’s stock price?
Read Answer Asked by Bruce on July 18, 2024
Q: What are the best companies in the following sectors you would invest in for maximum profits.
Thank you.
Canadian gold mining
Arms Manufacturers
Auto Parts
Quantum Computing
Read Answer Asked by Helen on July 12, 2024
Q: With LNG ports being built in British Columbia, could you suggest a few producing LNG companies and a few pipe line companies that will benifit from these ports? Also any timelines when these ports will be in service and what companies own and will benifit from these ports?

Thanks and love your service and help.
Read Answer Asked by James on July 09, 2024
Q: Good morning,

I am thinking of adding Gibson Energy at an initial 1-2% weight. Looking for income, moderate dividend growth, and some price appreciation potential. I am a little light in the energy space with current holdings in CNQ/SU/WCP, and am hoping you will think this might be a decent addition.


Thanks as always.
Read Answer Asked by Trevor on July 05, 2024
Q: Looking to add some large cap oil exposure, I’m having trouble deciding between the 3 large caps or just buying the XEG etf. Any insights on where you see value/potential at this point in time? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by James on July 04, 2024
Q: Current overall portfolio weightings in energy and utilities sectors are as follows: ENB 2.5%, ALA 1.5%, TRP 1.5%, SU 1.5%, BIP.UN 1.5%, PD .75%, TOU .75%, CNQ .5%. Please comment on any possible additions, deletions, switches, increased/decreased weightings, considering a long-term (10 year) time horizon and the impending South Bow spinoff involving TRP
Read Answer Asked by Chris on June 20, 2024
Q: Today shareholders approved the TRP spin off of South Bow. Will this ultimately unlock additional value for TRP shareholders and if not, would it be better to sell before the spin off? If its a sell, would CNQ be a good replacement in the same space? Can you suggest any other companies in the same space with a stable and growing dividend? (I already own ENB and Pembina).
Read Answer Asked by Joseph on June 07, 2024
Q: What do you think of Fru and its future ?Is it a buy, hold or sell?
I have a small account in a non registered account income and i am thinking to add more (for income ) .Or you suggest to sell and buy something else ? Thanks !
Read Answer Asked by Nancy on May 17, 2024
Q: There have been questions asked about what Buffet would probably buy in Canada and 5i said that it would probably be in the energy sector. I wonder whether you would have an idea whether it might be in the oil side or the natural gas side? What do you think would be a likely target for him?
with appreciation
Read Answer Asked by joseph on May 16, 2024