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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: The stocks are held in m grandson's RESP. Please recommend any others or substitutes. He will not need to access these funds for at least 3 years. At what point would you consider beginning to move out of these growthier equities into less volatile of lower risk? Do you have any recommendations for quality dividend payors that you would slowly accumulate as you reduced these equities?

Thanks very much for your advice.

Read Answer Asked by Michael on July 16, 2024
Q: What are your top 5 Canadian natural gas stocks in order of how you would buy based on total return expected in 2024? Would you buy all five at this time? If not, which would you buy?
Read Answer Asked by David on April 09, 2024
Q: Space X launched first methane=tracking satellite to orbit last week and its function is to track methane leaks/emissions from the energy business world wide. Canada, I believe, is among the top stewards of natural gas (and oil) extraction, and for example, ARC resources has engaged a Canadian company and AI to monitor its emissions at site level. I don't believe all US Natural gas extraction has similar programs in place. My Question - do you think there could emerge a significant gap in market price between Methane emitters, and those that don't on a relative basis. Note - first results from satellite to be made public available early summer. Thank you again for your great service.
Read Answer Asked by Glenn on March 12, 2024
Q: Hi group what do you think about loading up on Natural gas producers (assuming the changes in being able to export LNG to Europe will drive much higher top line growth? I like and own... ARX + TOU what do you think? please list in order of preference ... 6 stocks that will or should benefit from the changes in LNG/ when would you expect the change to occur is it late this year or? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Terence on February 14, 2024
Q: Hi. I have an RESP for three grandkids, ages 5, 7 and 9. Current holdings that I'm underwater on are: AEM, BCE, BN, NTR and TVE along with these: ARX, BAM, CSU, ENB, RY, TD and TOU. I'd appreciate your overall comments on account re sector allocation and any obvious sells. As well, I'd like suggestions on how to deploy $7000 cash. Thx.
Read Answer Asked by Dona on February 06, 2024
Q: I own these energy stocks and some are on the plus side and others are on the losing side. I've been waiting for quite some time for the Chinese economy to take off, but it seems to go nowhere ? I would like to trim some of my holdings. Please place them in order of what you would keep down to some you would let go. Maybe you could code them as 10 being the best and 1 as being the worst. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Frank on January 30, 2024
Q: Hi group in light of the new export rules for LNG exports in the US would you sell ARC (750 shares) and replace it with TOU?(in theory TOU should have much better upside. Your thoughts please

Also should I trim LMN + TOI they are both sitting around 10 % of my portfolio...I recently trimmed BYD with the hope that on a pullback i can buy back all 3...What would be good levels to buy back in ...Thanks for your help

Looking for entry to Industrials, Materials, Health, Financials Consumer staples, Tech, Communications what's your top 2 picks in each sector. Could you please provide short explanation on why you are picking them

Deduct credits as necessary...thanks
Read Answer Asked by Terence on January 30, 2024
Q: I hold both Peyto and Arc Res. I feel it would be prudent to only hold one of these. Peyto yields 10.2% vs. Arc at 3.3%, Pey more oil, Arc primarily gas, PE ratios are nearly identical at 6.8. LTD levels are similar considering the size of the companies.
I also hold PXT which I could sell and invest the money in these 2 names. Any thoughts? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by lance on January 08, 2024
Q: I have held the above stocks in my open account for several years. All stocks have shown a positive return except for BNS which is down approximately 20%. I have some cash to invest in the market and would like to purchase additional shares in some of these companies for a 3 to 5 year investment. Please rate the potential growth of these companies and rank the companies based upon the projected growth over the next 3 to 5 years. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Don on November 08, 2023
Q: Could you please advise what percentages of there production is in oil, in gas, and in liquids for companies pey, arx, bir, tou, and ovv. Seeing that the new gas pipeline to the coast is expected to begin operations in early 2024 for LNG, I wonder which of these 5 companies is best suited to take advantage of this pipeline, or any other company that comes to mind. Many tnx.
Read Answer Asked by Jacques on September 06, 2023
Q: My only energy holding is ENB, and I'm thinking of replacing it with something with greater growth prospects. Dividends are not too important. Are there any of the stocks listed you would suggest at this time? (Or any others??)
Read Answer Asked by Jim on August 09, 2023
Q: Arc has been rising steadily for some months now, and has been outperforming many of its peers. It has now grown to my largest holding at over 7% of the portfolio. I would appreciate your view of the reasons for its seeming outperformance. It is in an unregistered portfolio so cutting back would generate substantial capital gains.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on August 04, 2023