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5i Recent Questions
Q: I am looking for income with some potential for capital appreciation. What are your thoughts on Freehold Royalties?
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Q: I'm looking at PEY and FRU for dividend income, and possibly a little appreciation. Their recent price doesn't seem to be too effected by gas/oil prices going down -or are they perhaps offset by interest rates going down at the same time? Could you compare these; do you have a preference? How high a risk are they? What is a good entry point for both? Thanks!
Q: What do you think of vs NPI at these levels for a long term hold? Are there tax consequences for a royalty company I should be aware of?
I own CNQ, ENB, CPX, H and a little HSP already but I'm finding it hard to resist the dividends (and hopefully growth) of FRU and NPI. Should I add to one of the companies I already own or buy NPI or FRU as well?
I own CNQ, ENB, CPX, H and a little HSP already but I'm finding it hard to resist the dividends (and hopefully growth) of FRU and NPI. Should I add to one of the companies I already own or buy NPI or FRU as well?
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