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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Good morning,

I currently own a number of different energy stocks of which most are in the OIL sector. In this current investment environment, the Gas sector seems to offer a better risk reward ratio and I would like to better balance my Oil/Gas stock split.

Question 1. Do you agree that Natural Gas stocks currently offer a better potential return than OIL stocks over the next few years?

Question 2. If so, which of the these OIL stocks would you replace with Natural Gas stocks?

Question 3. Which Natural Gas stocks are currently your best ideas?

Thank you for your sage advice.
Read Answer Asked by Francesco on June 13, 2024
Q: What do you think of Fru and its future ?Is it a buy, hold or sell?
I have a small account in a non registered account income and i am thinking to add more (for income ) .Or you suggest to sell and buy something else ? Thanks !
Read Answer Asked by Nancy on May 17, 2024
Q: A lot of market commentators are observing that there is potentially a correction ahead. Ordinarily I would follow your long standing thought to not try to time the market and I would simply stay the course. But one income oriented account I am concerned with has a priority of capital preservation. These 7 named stocks make up about 1/2 of the holdings. Can you please provide your quick assessment whether they are reasonably safe in the event of a downturn. If not and they are more exposed to a decline, would trimming be sufficient or are there some other names to migrate to protect the account assets?

Many thanks for your excellent service
Read Answer Asked by Leonard on April 09, 2024
Q: Considering taking a position (up to 2%) in a dividend paying oil/gas company, and looking at FRU or WCP. Could I get your comments on the royalty structure vs a producer, as well as a comparison of the metrics such as payout percentage, debt, guidance, etc. Do you have a preference, and would you even consider adding an oil producer at this time. I have some ETFs with small positions in some oil companies, but no direct holdings of my own.
Read Answer Asked by grant on February 12, 2024
Q: I am considering reducing energy positions and letting go one or more of these companies. How do you rate them for fundamentals and any other metric you choose to rate them: Keyera, Pason Systems and Freehold Royalties. Sell order??
Read Answer Asked by Maureen on January 22, 2024
Q: Good morning,

I currently own all four companies in the energy portion of my family portfolio.
That being said, I'm in the red and very disappointed with FRU.CA's performance of late and looking at selling FRU.CA and with the proceeds, adding to my existing positions of MEG.CA, CVE.CA or TVE.CA.

Q1. What are your thoughts on FRU.CA

Q2. Which of these three stocks (MEG.CA, CVE.CA or TVE.CA offers the best risk/reward at this particular time,

Q3. Is there another energy stock that you prefer and would wholeheartedly recommend.

Thank you and I'll await your response.
Read Answer Asked by Francesco on August 24, 2023
Q: Good morning,

I currently hold FRU in my TFSA account and it is down approx 30%.

Q1. What is your outlook at this time of FRU and would this be a good entry point to purchase some additional shares?

I wish to purchase an energy stock for my TFSA and GXE is one under consideration given the relative safety of its high dividend and growth prospect should the price of oil go higher.

Q2. What are your thoughts and outlook of GXE at this time and do you have a better recommendation for a new position in my TFSA?

Thank you and I'll await your sage advice.
Read Answer Asked by Francesco on March 30, 2023
Q: Hi 5i,

Further to Ken’s question on February 13, can you explain why you prefer PSK over FRU?

For some reason most, but not all, analyst pick PSK over FRU. When I look at the following measures, FRU seems like the better choice.

Rev Growth 3 Years 37.83 26.23
Rev Growth 5 Years 8.98 8.62
ROE 11.79 22.44
ROA 9.12 18.17
ROC 10.94 18.69
PE 17.20 11.90
PCF 9.70 7.90
PBV 1.98 2.49
Yield 4.18% 6.80%

Thanks for your opinion.
Read Answer Asked by John on February 15, 2023
Q: I heard that Eric Nuttall is now out of VET. It's my only oil & gas stock that is under water at this point. What is your opinion? It seems to have declined due to the fall of natural gas in Europe and the extra tax levy. Do you think it has fallen enough to now be worth holding, or is there another oil and gas stock that you like better. I'm thinking maybe FRU or even NNRG.NE, Eric's fond? Or do you have another one?
Read Answer Asked by Steven on January 30, 2023
Q: How would you rank these companies for growth, stability
and dividend security? I'm thinking to trim WCP and FRU
to add these others.

Read Answer Asked by Robert on January 24, 2023