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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Good morning,

I currently own a number of different energy stocks of which most are in the OIL sector. In this current investment environment, the Gas sector seems to offer a better risk reward ratio and I would like to better balance my Oil/Gas stock split.

Question 1. Do you agree that Natural Gas stocks currently offer a better potential return than OIL stocks over the next few years?

Question 2. If so, which of the these OIL stocks would you replace with Natural Gas stocks?

Question 3. Which Natural Gas stocks are currently your best ideas?

Thank you for your sage advice.
Read Answer Asked by Francesco on June 13, 2024
Q: Which 3 Canada Energy stocks (besides SU and ENB) do you currently favour for a 5-10+ year hold?

Please feel free to suggest a company not present in the stock list.
Read Answer Asked by David on May 01, 2024
Q: Hi Guy,

Just wanted to get your thought on Eric Nutall's take on the oil market on BNN yesterday.

He believed that more specialized companies (top picks were BTE, CPG, PD) were more promising than generalized companies like CNQ and ENB.

I value your opinion and would be happy to spend more points for a more detailed answer., especially on CNQ and CVE.
Read Answer Asked by Kevin on April 05, 2024
Q: I have the above stocks in my TSFA account. All about equal weighted. Which stock would you add the $7000 2024 contribution to?

Or do you not favour any of the above and have another suggestion?

Thanks for everything and happy Holidays to everyone.

Read Answer Asked by David on December 18, 2023
Q: CPG:CA has been on trend with other Canadian producers, that is to say they are returning a significant portion of their FCF to shareholders. This also implied limited expansion and debt reduction.
How does their latest acquisition fit with this philosophy, and is the company still focused on its core objectives?
Read Answer Asked by Denis on November 08, 2023
Q: I have been a long time holder of CPG and own many other Cdn. Oil Companies. Made a lot of money buying/selling calls on CPG through the years. I now have only a stock position in CPG and was expecting this Company to continue paying down debt and buying back shares. They have reverted back to their acquisition days buying Hammerhead. What do you think about this new expansion. Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by gord on November 07, 2023
Q: Since early 2023, I de-risked my general asset allocation to 30% equity. 30% ultra-short-term corp bonds, 30% MMF. The rest is mostly physical gold (PHYS), with a tiny bit of silver exposure. I am wondering about starting a small position in oil such as CPG or WCP. My other interest is also Sprott Physical Uranium as I have a tiny position in CCO which also did well. Any thoughts on which one is a better story, Uranium or oil?
Read Answer Asked by Ford on November 02, 2023
Q: i have listed some cdn oil companies, i own ath and cpg. my question is with oil at 91. none of the above companies or all cdn or u.s oil companies stock price even comes close to an oil price of 91., most are 25-30% below where they should be. they are coining so much cash it defies description.
why is this and will it ever change or is this the environment re oil and gas-dirty fuel etc we just have to live with. dave
Read Answer Asked by david on September 18, 2023
Q: The above are my overweighted energy holdings. Can you please prioritize them as I have to reduce my weighting. Is there any I should exit. Again Thanks in advance.
Read Answer Asked by John on August 14, 2023
Q: I have been very disappointed in BN, despite the ongoing critical acclaim for this stock. I am thinking it and reinvesting the proceeds in CPG and GSY which are doing much better. Please share your thoughts. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Jim on August 08, 2023
Q: With the Coastal Gas Link pipeline getting close to completion. Which energy companies would be prime beneficiaries?

On a related energy question, when is the Trans Mountain pipeline expected to be completed and are there any energy companies who stand to benefit the most? Will this pipeline help close the gap in price with WTI?
Read Answer Asked by mitchell on July 21, 2023
Q: Is it worth adding to CPG at the moment? What improvements are possible for CPG in the next 1 to 2 years?

The context for this question is a family member who holds CPG, currently less than 1% of their portfolio and 76% below their book value.

Perhaps it would be better to take the capital loss.

Read Answer Asked by Robert on February 21, 2023

Which three of the above fourteen oil & gas stocks would you sell first to bring my sector allocation back to my normal weight? This is assuming 100 WTI oil in 2023. Could you also provide a brief reason for each of the three stocks that you would get rid of first. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Steven on November 04, 2022