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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I need to decrease my energy and energy related exposure. Thinking of the next 3 years, can you recommend 2 stocks from this list to sell? Or am I better off to just sell a portion of each one?
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Grant on July 19, 2024
Q: My wife and I hold a blend of mainly dividend paying blue chip Canadian stocks (examples shown) in a diversified equity/fixed income portfolio. PE ratios on some of our dividend payers seem enticing to add to. As retirees with a reasonably conservative approach, what sectors does 5i feel have the best opportunity for P/E margin expansion over the next several years, assuming no 'abnormal' (whatever that is) market volatility and some moderation of interest rates? Consistent with the margin expansion theme, would 5i suggest we add to our existing dividend payers, or to more growth-oriented names like BN group?
Read Answer Asked by Edward on July 10, 2024
Q: Current overall portfolio weightings in energy and utilities sectors are as follows: ENB 2.5%, ALA 1.5%, TRP 1.5%, SU 1.5%, BIP.UN 1.5%, PD .75%, TOU .75%, CNQ .5%. Please comment on any possible additions, deletions, switches, increased/decreased weightings, considering a long-term (10 year) time horizon and the impending South Bow spinoff involving TRP
Read Answer Asked by Chris on June 20, 2024
Q: Today shareholders approved the TRP spin off of South Bow. Will this ultimately unlock additional value for TRP shareholders and if not, would it be better to sell before the spin off? If its a sell, would CNQ be a good replacement in the same space? Can you suggest any other companies in the same space with a stable and growing dividend? (I already own ENB and Pembina).
Read Answer Asked by Joseph on June 07, 2024
Q: Now that the spin off has been approved, which of the two entities do you prefer for an investment? Or do each have their strengths and you like both but for different objectives (if yes, what type of portfolio does each belong in?).
Is one likely to carry the debt burden more than the other?
Thank you as always!
Read Answer Asked by Doug on June 06, 2024
Q: Long time holder of TRP. Now that the spinoff is approved, do you suggest we simply wait for the process to unfold, resulting in owning both TC Energy and SouthBow?

My understanding is TRP is the gas-nuclear entity and is considered to be the more conservative, while SB is the oil pipelines and considered to more aggressive of the two.

Any idea of the post split dividends for each company? I understand the cumulative dividend is supposed to be the same as pre-split.

Also, I own TRP in both an RRSP account and a Cash account. Keep all 4 post-split equities or does the account type lead you to suggest a different strategy for RRSP vs Cash?

Read Answer Asked by Stephen on June 06, 2024
Q: Which 3 Canada Energy stocks (besides SU and ENB) do you currently favour for a 5-10+ year hold?

Please feel free to suggest a company not present in the stock list.
Read Answer Asked by David on May 01, 2024
Q: Could you please suggest 3-5 of the 'safest' products that provide a 7% yield. They could be stocks, preferred shares, corporate bonds, GICs... whatever. No specific time horizon. Could you please list them in order of safety. Thank you very much.
Read Answer Asked by Toge on April 29, 2024
Q: Hi, I’m wanting to replace Trp as I’am losing confidence in the stock, and I already have Enb.
Sector not an issue, so could you recommend something from your income or balanced portfolio that you like going forward. I’m thinking more in line with a stock that may do better if we do get a market correction. (My first thought was something like ATD). Could you give 3 picks
Read Answer Asked by Brad on April 29, 2024
Q: I own all of the above. I am up with PPL and ALA and about break even with ENB and TRP. I feel too much pipeline exposure??
Which two would you keep?

Thanks for everything


Public Question.
Read Answer Asked by David on March 15, 2024