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5i Recent Questions
Q: I have a TFSA account, and would like to add more for investment. I am very happy the current performance and would like to look for those well sleep Canadian’s stock. Any suggestion?
Read Answer Asked by ma on July 02, 2024
Q: Hello, this is about your answer to a member about the valuation of CP versus CNR today. In your answer you stated that “CP is now cheaper than CNR on valuation (21X vs 24X).” Do you refer to the P/E ratio here? It appears there might be some discrepancy between the numbers you provided and what I found on TMX Money (P/E ratio 25.99 for CP vs 20.37 for CNR). Then, is CNR cheaper than CP? I am just trying to understand correctly. Thank you very much
Read Answer Asked by Gervais on May 29, 2024
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