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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Team,
After the sell off of the last couple days now what are 3 of your favourite Canadian stocks you would be keen on buying today for a long term hold, regardless of sector ranked best to least. Also if there are any US names available as cdrs that are good buys today after some extreme selling I would be interested in those to.

Thanks ,
Read Answer Asked by Shane on July 19, 2024
Q: I hold the listed stocks that are at or very close to their 52wk highs. As a momentum play, would you please rank the order in which you would add to the positions. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Richard on July 16, 2024
Q: I have a large (15-20%) holding in CSU, as it has grown really well. They say to keep running with your winners; as I continue investing, would it be better to continue slowly adding to my CSU position, or to work on diversifying my portfolio? If diversify, I am obviously looking for other stocks that will compound at a high level over the long term. At today's valuations, in which order would 5i recommend buying these other stocks? Similarly, to diversify, does it make sense to sell some CSU to reinvest in any of these other stocks? Thank you so much!
Read Answer Asked by Petra on July 08, 2024
Q: Greetings 5i,

Can you list your 5 best managed US and 5 best managed Canadian publicly traded companies. Also please briefly explain why they make your list.

Read Answer Asked by Duane on July 03, 2024
Q: Hi 5i - how would you rank the following tech companies at todays prices for new positions:


Thanks, Neil
Read Answer Asked by Neil on June 14, 2024
Q: Hi team. I'm ok with some risk and am 100% equities with an average 13% return per year over 10 years thanks to your team!!

Now my question. We sold an investment property with the plan to use the money to fund a new investment property which will be built in 3 this is my time frame. The money will be split between a TFSA & a taxable account, with the taxable account having about 75%.

What do you think if these for the TFSA - CSU, BN, SHOP and DOL?

These for the taxable - WSP, ENB, TFII, DSG, BNS, SU, ATD, BEPC, H, and a little more DOL?

Would you reorganize these between the 2 accounts? Alternatively, would you choose something else due to the timeframe?

Thanks a lot!
Read Answer Asked by Ian on June 07, 2024
Q: Can you please list in order your top 5 Canadian and top 5 US stocks in order based on conviction? Please also list a management rating, 10 being the highest.
Time frame 5+ years
Read Answer Asked by Nick on June 03, 2024
Q: Hold all four in growth oriented TFSA for several years now. How much overlap do you see among them? How would you rank them first (best) to last? Are any need to own? If reducing number of these four holdings, which ones would you trim or eliminate? Any that could be increased as position size of each is less than 1.5% of total of all portfolios?
Read Answer Asked by William Ross on May 31, 2024
Q: I have some nice gains on above listed companies. I am thinking of selling a few shares and use the proceeds to invest into related companies for diversification purposes.
What do you think of this strategy and what would be one or two suggestions for companies related to my list.
Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by ALBERT on May 27, 2024
Q: Which of these 4 would you recommend for a 3 to 5 year hold and could you recommend order to buy and a comment on all? And perhaps an entry price level. Thanx.
Read Answer Asked by Steve on May 23, 2024
Q: Hello,
I have owned these 3 stocks for a few years now and doing some portfolio cleanup and wondering if still worth holding - long term. I don’t trade. Can you please briefly comment on their potential individually and if some should be sold, in what order in your opinion. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Pierre on May 21, 2024
Q: I have held DSG for about 2 years in my RRSP and currently down about 24%. This position represents about 1.75% weight in the RRSP account and 0.48% of all investment accounts. I know 2 yrs may not a long time to give an investment a change but in this day of over performing tech stocks it seems that OTEX is not able to execute. Do you agree with this view? If I decide to exit, do you have 2 or 3 options to switch into?
Thanks for all the help.
Read Answer Asked by Francisco on May 15, 2024
Q: Help me!
My wife and I have a competition running in our TFSA accounts, which we started a few years back with the same cash balance. She is using the classic passive ETF strategy, except we got pissed off with bonds and moved that portion into QQQ/ICLN (TDB900, 902, 911 & QQQ, ICLN)
I am actively (quite low turnover) trading CDN and US stocks and ETF's
She is handing me my ass!

My current holdings in the CDN account are ATS, BAM, BN, GSY, KXS, XIT, PBH, WELL, WSP and US account AAPL, TFII, VEEV

Ignoring sector allocations (which i still need to look into), please advise any Buy, Hold or Sell recommendations for my current holdings with a 5 year horizon
Read Answer Asked by Jim on May 08, 2024
Q: Good morning
these three ETFs have stellar one year performance to January 6th according to your March issue of Money Saver magazine. Do you see them topped out for the present or would you still see a buying opportunity here
Read Answer Asked by Guy R. on April 15, 2024
Q: Good morning,

For a moderately aggressive investor with a two-year time horizon, how might you rank the listed stocks in terms of a new purchase today?


Read Answer Asked by Bradley on April 13, 2024
Q: A number of these companies have done very well recently while others have not. Could you rate these as Buy/Hold/Sell and for those you consider a buy, could you provide what you feel is a good entry point.

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Timothy on April 05, 2024