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Q: A number of good names in US have significantly pulled back recently. Do you consider the names above buys at current prices? What order would you be buying these names, is there any of these names you would wait for better entry points? Please deduct credits appropriately.

Read Answer Asked by Timothy on July 26, 2024
Q: I'm writing to seek your expertise on the recent global IT outage caused by CrowdStrike. As the dust settles, the question on everyone's mind is whether CrowdStrike will assume financial responsibility for the damages incurred. If so, the compensation could be considerable. As an investor in AI stocks, I'm eager to know if this situation presents a strategic buying opportunity. In your opinion, how will this IT outage affect CrowdStrike's long-term prospects and stock performance? Will it have a lasting impact on their reputation and investor confidence? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Esther on July 22, 2024
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