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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Could you please provide the 1 and 3-yr revenue and eps growth projections for fortinet? In your opinion, is it a buy or do you have a better suggestion for this sector?

Read Answer Asked by John on July 05, 2024
Q: Hi,

I know these are some of your favorite cyber security stocks. All of them have drifted down recently. Your uncanny call for FTNT's price of 59 has been reached AND breached!

What would be your new entry points fr these? Please feel free to add any other name if you feel it is warranted.
Read Answer Asked by Savalai on May 09, 2024
Q: Dear Peter et al:

PLTR earnings report is May 6th, FTNT on May 02 and SMCI tomorrow!! (30th April)

This is a general question and not personal!

If some had a small position and plan to add more to these three stocks, Worth writing Cash secured puts? So close to Earnings date?

IF you were to write a cash secured put what would be the price that you would choose to write for these three, including SMCI.
(Of course not guaranteed that the order will fill!)

Many thanks.

Read Answer Asked by Savalai on April 29, 2024
Q: Hello Team,

How would you rank cybersecurity stocks in terms of your favourites and best long term growth. Also, do any have the chance to be apart of the next trillion dollar cos?

What is a good entry for each? Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by James on April 18, 2024
Q: Hello, I am interested in the cybersecurity space and I am interested to have your opinion of PANW for a 5-10-year hold. I look at PANW because I only want to buy CDRs. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Martin on April 15, 2024
Q: Hello,

Can you please provide your current views on these two companies?
For a 3 to 5 years window, are they buy, hold or sell?

Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Bekaye on April 12, 2024
Q: I held equal positions in Crwd Ftnt and Panw. Last week I trimmed 1/3 of my Crwd at 363 when it bounced up for a large gain. Crwd has dropped back a bit to the 320s. I am thinking of selling my Panw at a small gain and buying back my Crwd and adding to Ftnt.
What do you think of this plan? I appreciate all your good advice.
Thanks Peter
Read Answer Asked by Peter on March 11, 2024
Q: Digital Currency

With the long-rumored conversion of US currency to digital format, and presumably Canadian followup, what types of companies will most profit from these changes and what specific recommendations do you have? Are there any overall structural changes to handling a portfolio that you suggest?
Thanks for your ongoing great service.
Read Answer Asked by David on March 08, 2024
Q: hi folks:

would you agree that panw and crwd are the 2 'best' (of the better) c-security firms?

if so, and given the market hit panw is taking, would you consider it a worthwhile upgrade (high grade) to transfer FTNT or even from hack/cybr (realizing an etf should be less volatile) to one of the above 2?

thanks in advance
Read Answer Asked by Robert on February 21, 2024
Q: What would you consider a good entry point for these companies?
Read Answer Asked by Gordon on February 14, 2024
Q: In a 5iR response on Wednesday about CRWD, there was mention that "its (CRWD) performance seems better than many peers (not all)". And me, wondering what these "better" peers are???.....The reason for asking this is that if they are larger in market capitalization, I might be interested in investing in one....Keen to know about these peers.......Many thanks.....Tom
Read Answer Asked by Tom on November 29, 2023
Q: I'm interested in getting into the cyber security sector, My research indicates PANW is the company I should consider. Please share your thoughts on the company and if you think it is currently a good time to buy.
Read Answer Asked by Les on November 21, 2023
Q: If one was to sell FTNT for a profit, can you name 5 other long-term names to replace with in the same sector as well as others and rank in terms of management and growth potential?
Read Answer Asked by Andrew on November 14, 2023