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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Does this selloff in tech concern you at all to take down the broader market? Seeing big down moves lately in tech, such as SHOP, GOOGL, NVDA, SMCI, VRT, etc... Tech is my largest weighting for sector, should we be repositioning at all or how would you approach this to maintain profits. I've had a very good run, but hate take the stairs up and then seeing the elevator go down fast. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Keith on July 25, 2024
Q: How would you rank the following Ai-related companies (best first) with an outlook of at least a year or two?

Read Answer Asked by Brian on July 23, 2024
Q: Hi Team,
After the sell off of the last couple days now what are 3 of your favourite Canadian stocks you would be keen on buying today for a long term hold, regardless of sector ranked best to least. Also if there are any US names available as cdrs that are good buys today after some extreme selling I would be interested in those to.

Thanks ,
Read Answer Asked by Shane on July 19, 2024
Q: From a pure growth perspective - what are five or six companies that excite you most right now?
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on July 17, 2024
Q: Hello Team,

I was wondering if you could rank the attached 12 companies from 1 - 12. I have some money to deploy in my cash account and already own all 12 in my TFSA/RRSP. Will be a 3 year hold.

No worries on size, risk or industry, looking for best returns only.

Read Answer Asked by Kevin on July 15, 2024
Q: I came across these comments in the Globe & Mail:

“We believe the names enabling more efficient interconnect in segments such as module OEMs, analog and DSP [digital service providers] will drive the second wave of AI investments and are still under-priced for the opportunity set (especially given the run-up in power utilities).”

What companies come to mind that fit this description, and how would you rank them (starting with the best ones first)?
Read Answer Asked by Brian on July 12, 2024
Q: Hello, Currently I hold NVDA, Meta, Google, and Palantir stocks in the tech sector. Could you recommend additional stocks that would complement my portfolio during this AI boom? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Esther on July 11, 2024
Q: Hi. I currently own ABBV, AMZN, AXON, COST, GOOG, LLY, MSFT, NVDA, VRT in a cash account and have money for one more new stock with medium risk tolerance focused on growth. Your top 5 suggestions, regardless of sector would be appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Dona on July 08, 2024
Q: what are your best ideas for recent, and for no reason, significant dips on stock prices for great companies? (US or CAN)
Read Answer Asked by Judith on July 03, 2024
Q: A couple of questions.
1. Do you believe we are in an AI bubble with all these high P/E ratios and continued media coverage of AI.
2, That said what would be your top 3 AI stock picks and top 3 AI ETF choices.

Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Dick on June 25, 2024
Q: Would you buy this today or would you add more nvda? I also have avgo in the semi space along with smci. Maximum growth potential is my primary consideration followed close second by not wanting undue risk. Thank you.

Read Answer Asked by Jason on June 20, 2024
Q: Hello 5i,

We have a small position of ACLS to sell and add to VRT or SMCI, or open a new position of DRX.

Which stock has your highest conviction today?

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on June 17, 2024
Q: In many of your answers regarding the AI phenomenon, SMCI used to pop up along with VRT. VRT has hung in there very nicely, but SMCI is struggling near a 60% haircut from its peak. From your last comment on May23, you advise to keep both eyes on it, but I,m wondering if some compitition is affecting the company. Who are its closest competitors? How did the last quarter report compare to the previous 7 quarters, and would that explain the current negative momentum? What should the next report show that would give me comfort to hang in there?

Thanks, Lionel
Read Answer Asked by Lionel on June 05, 2024
Q: I used to own NVDA at <$100/share and foolishly sold it around $300 USD before it started to climb vertically. I am now too chicken to buy back in. What would be some names to own in the AI and Semi conductor theme that are still reasonably priced? Or would you suggest sitting out of this theme for now?
I already own MSFT and GOOG.
Read Answer Asked by Anh on May 07, 2024