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5i Recent Questions
Q: Hi; looking to check in on these high multiple stocks. Do you see them moving well, noting possible recession ahead and falling rates, other global things. Are they the best place to be.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on October 08, 2024
Q: HI Team,
I was wanting your updated take on TTD. I have held it for a long time in my tfsa and am up nicely on it. Currently it's touched near it's 2021 high. Is it still among your favorite growth companies and worthy of continuing holding in a tfsa for the next 5 years? Do you see big growth from the company continuing going forward? IF not; please suggest a couple names in which you would confidently see as outperforming TTD over the next few years in which I would replace it with.

Read Answer Asked by Shane on September 19, 2024
Q: I am overweight both of these names. I am hoping for a recovery pop at which time I will seek to sell down a bit and spread the money out. Can you please give me a few other names that you might suggest for growth at this time? I sold booking holdings at a loss so please exclude that name. I am too afraid to buy back smci due to its wild volatility. I was consider coherent, Motorola, and Monolithic Power but am open to other suggestions. Thank you.

Read Answer Asked by Jason on August 14, 2024
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