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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I am considering adding Unitedhealth Group (UNG) to my portfolio and, before doing so, I would like to know your thoughts on this company. My only other holding in the health sector is ISRG and I would like to bring this sector up to 8% of my portfolio which normally would be 2 stocks. Do you think this would be a good addition? Or, do you have other suggestions?

Thanks, J
Read Answer Asked by John on July 09, 2024
Q: I had a partial fill on a buy order for PFE and did not return to top up my holding . My position is too small to leave as is and I am unsure whether to add to the position or exit entirely. PFE is included in various dividend models, e.g. the AAII Dividend portfolio and the MS Global Dividend model. This prompted me to hang on. So did the many words by financial writers and commentators who have almost all been talking-up the health care sector for at least a year. Most comments by financial professionals and analysts are on how and why they expect the health care sector finally to catch up. Their focus on demographics does make sense. Yet, nothing happens to liven up the shares in pharma businesses, outside of a few stars like LLY and NVO. The share price of PFE itself has done nothing but decline. Do you the company has good prospects— good enough to ADD to the position? Or do you think I should just exit and be done with it ? (And give up on all the darn reading as research often gets one nowhere).
Read Answer Asked by Adam on June 20, 2024
Q: Hi 5i, I have held Medtronic for just over 3 years and am down 30%. Do you think it's worth holding another year or two (as do a number of the analysts) or should I cut bait and redeploy the funds into LLY? Other suggestions are welcome. Do you feel Intuitive Surgical is overvalued or a good long term call? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Martha on June 20, 2024
Q: I am interested to invest in the US health sector. Could you please suggest the best pharmaceutical companies in the market or companies related to the health sector? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Esther on June 12, 2024
Q: My current exposure to the US market is through, ZQQ, VFV, VUN, VGG, and GOOG, AMZN, CVS, and BRK CDR’s. I would like to increase my US weighting and have CAD$150,000 to invest and am considering dividing this into equal amounts in V, MA, UNH, PFE, ADBE, and MSFT. Your thoughts on this approach and any other suggestions (5+ year holding period). Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Don on June 03, 2024
Q: Good morning;

I own the 4 stocks referenced at a 4.5% weight in my portfolio. ILMN was purchased as a turnaround candidate so I wish to keep it. XLV to hedge. UNH I have my initial investment out; it has bounced around quite a bit lately with no clear path but a target +/$75 above current price. May 1st you commented CVS is not one you would add to and it could be a value trap. I've owned it since prior to COVID and missed my opportunity to sell it off.

I want to stay exposed and grow my exposure a bit to the US (and maybe Canadian) health care sector. Other than a very occasional flare of positive results this sector has not been very beneficial to my portfolio other than a bit of modest income. I could part with (in order) CVS, UNH, XLV to build better growth exposure. I would appreciate your top 5 recommended options along with why you would put them on the list.

Thanks very much.

Read Answer Asked by Dave on May 09, 2024
Q: What would be your top 10 “sleep at night” stocks for US and Canada?
Read Answer Asked by Ben on April 22, 2024
Q: Please recommend a few health care investments.
Read Answer Asked by Susan on April 19, 2024
Q: Hi 5i,

Looking to sell my position in FLGT for a loss in my non-reg account. Potentially looking to replace FLGT with PFE to maintain US/Health care exposure. Would appreciate you thoughts and if you believe there are better US health care stocks to consider.

Thank you in advance,

Greg C.
Read Answer Asked by GREGORY on April 10, 2024
Q: Retired (25 years) investor, preservation of capital and income paramount. Can you please provide the following, ETF or equity suggestions for:
Basic Materials (hold 2% LIF), Communications Services (hold 4% BCE), Consumer Cyclical and Consumer Defensive (hold 0%), Healthcare (hold 1% HHL), Industrials (hold 0%), Technology (hold TXF 4%).

Thank you for considering my lengthy question for which I apologize.
Read Answer Asked by Gail on April 10, 2024
Q: Further to Peter's column in the Financial Post [always good, plain ,common sense advice] I'm wondering what US companies in the health care sector might be considered?
Read Answer Asked by steve on April 08, 2024
Q: Hi Team,
Currently for healthcare exposure I own VEEV and WELL. I was considering replacing VEEV with either LLY or UNH. Would this be advisable? If so, which one would you recommend? Also, regarding Well would you recommend continuing to hold it; or selling it to make a switch for either LLY or UNH as well? What sort of mix here would you recommend? I am looking for long term growth here. you see the healthcare sector in general to be a good place to be right now?

Read Answer Asked by Shane on March 13, 2024
Q: I am currently underweight Health and Financials in the U.S. Can you please provide your top 3-5 picks for each based on current valuations and considering a 5 year+ timeframe??
Read Answer Asked by Chris on March 12, 2024
Q: My healthcare sector is very low. I will buying for within my TFSA account and wonder if the ETF XHC would be good ? I can also buy 3 US healthcare companies as I would have enough funds to do so. What would be the best 3 US healthcare companies you would buy if this is preferred over the EFT?

Read Answer Asked on March 11, 2024
Q: Hi All,

I have a really nice gain shorter term gain on LLY thanks to your recommendation of 125% which is down a little from the high.
Is LLY on the over valued side now and starting to correct? Should I sell it and move into another Healthcare name and if so I'd love a few recommendations. I already own a partial position in UNH and ABBV. I see UNH has dropped and may have some issues with the government should they be stayed away from for now? Thanks for your service.
Read Answer Asked by Harry on March 05, 2024
Q: Hello, you recommended UnitedHealth Group Inc. (UNH) in the past. The recent launch of an antitrust investigation against UNH has led to a sudden drop in the stock price. I’m curious about your thoughts on this investigation. Do you believe it will cause any damage to the company? And considering the circumstances, do you still consider UNH a good buy? Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Esther on March 01, 2024