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5i Recent Questions
Q: A number of good names in US have significantly pulled back recently. Do you consider the names above buys at current prices? What order would you be buying these names, is there any of these names you would wait for better entry points? Please deduct credits appropriately.

Read Answer Asked by Timothy on July 26, 2024
Q: Hi Team,
I was looking at adding to either Bn, PRL , Eqb, or HPS.A. Or possibly a new purchase of Lulu for a recovery play here . Could you please rank these names in order which you would prefer to buy today for long term capital appreciation? If you feel there are better opportunities you prefer buying today ideas would be appreciated . Thanks

Read Answer Asked by Shane on July 23, 2024
Q: In the "rotation" that is moving through the market what would be your top 5 stocks in each of the US and CDN markets that stand to benefit most (listed in order of conviction if relevant) and a brief note as to why.

Read Answer Asked by Terry on July 18, 2024
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