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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: My portfolio analytics says to increase health care holdings. For a 3-5 year hold what are your top 3 companies or etfs to have. Not too risky but with growth in mind.
thxs Michele
Read Answer Asked by michele on September 30, 2024
Q: I hold these 8 US Heathcare stocks. Each are about 1.5% of my holdings. I would like to consolidate the 8 down to about 4 holdings. Which ones would you sell and which ones would you add to? Thanks for your great ongoing advice.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on August 08, 2024
Q: I had a partial fill on a buy order for PFE and did not return to top up my holding . My position is too small to leave as is and I am unsure whether to add to the position or exit entirely. PFE is included in various dividend models, e.g. the AAII Dividend portfolio and the MS Global Dividend model. This prompted me to hang on. So did the many words by financial writers and commentators who have almost all been talking-up the health care sector for at least a year. Most comments by financial professionals and analysts are on how and why they expect the health care sector finally to catch up. Their focus on demographics does make sense. Yet, nothing happens to liven up the shares in pharma businesses, outside of a few stars like LLY and NVO. The share price of PFE itself has done nothing but decline. Do you the company has good prospects— good enough to ADD to the position? Or do you think I should just exit and be done with it ? (And give up on all the darn reading as research often gets one nowhere).
Read Answer Asked by Adam on June 20, 2024
Q: I am interested to invest in the US health sector. Could you please suggest the best pharmaceutical companies in the market or companies related to the health sector? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Esther on June 12, 2024
Q: Good morning;

I own the 4 stocks referenced at a 4.5% weight in my portfolio. ILMN was purchased as a turnaround candidate so I wish to keep it. XLV to hedge. UNH I have my initial investment out; it has bounced around quite a bit lately with no clear path but a target +/$75 above current price. May 1st you commented CVS is not one you would add to and it could be a value trap. I've owned it since prior to COVID and missed my opportunity to sell it off.

I want to stay exposed and grow my exposure a bit to the US (and maybe Canadian) health care sector. Other than a very occasional flare of positive results this sector has not been very beneficial to my portfolio other than a bit of modest income. I could part with (in order) CVS, UNH, XLV to build better growth exposure. I would appreciate your top 5 recommended options along with why you would put them on the list.

Thanks very much.

Read Answer Asked by Dave on May 09, 2024
Q: Can you account for the recent drop in TMO and possibly also for its quick recovery.

Portfolio analytics call for more in my healthcare sector. Do you prefer ETFs or individual companies here?

Please recommend a few of your favourite quality long-term holds for both (more American than Canadian, but both if possible).

Thanks as always.
Read Answer Asked by Kevin on May 06, 2024
Q: Please rank these healthcare stocks in terms of long term growth potential (5-10 years or more): EW, ISRG, IDXX, GEHC, ZTS, ABT, TMO, ATRI, GMED, INMD
Read Answer Asked by Brian on March 20, 2024
Q: Hi 5i,

The following companies are being released as CDRs tomorrow: BlackRock Inc., Constellation Brands Inc., Deere & Co., Palo Alto Networks Inc., ServiceNow Inc. and Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.

Please rate them bases on long term componders, shareholder friendly and valuation.

Read Answer Asked by Christopher on February 14, 2024
Q: Hi, I have a large capital gain from TMO which I have held for many years. I plan to sell some of this to offset some capital losses. Which alternative company(ies) would you recommend to replace it? I am principally interested in holding stocks for growth.
Read Answer Asked by Geoffrey on December 21, 2023
Q: The magnificent 7 have had a nice run in 2023. Assuming that the market is broadening out, can you suggest around 5 to 10 US stocks and/or ETFs where money is rotating to. Medium risk stocks. Also what sectors should benefit in the next phase of the economic cycle?
Read Answer Asked by Paul on December 15, 2023
Q: Seasons Greetings!
Can I please get your high level thoughts for DHR and TMO.
Do you like them for a long term hold?
If yes, are they sufficiently different so I should consider buying both?
Which one has the highest exposure to the "water" theme?
Read Answer Asked by Ian on December 01, 2023
Q: In the name of "cutting the weeds," I'm down 20% or more on the above names (LIT:US; CTS:CA; TCN:CA; TSU:CA and TMO:US.) Are there any of them that you would get rid of at this time. Or do you think that they will have more upside from this point. If you don't like one, which would you recommend to replace it. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Steven on November 15, 2023
Q: This period of seasonal weakness is a great time for some early Christmas shopping. I sold a part position in NVO a while ago and am looking to reinvest proceeds to increase my health care holdings.

Considering current valuations, what would you recommend as a good complement to expand and diversify?

Thanks in advance.
Read Answer Asked by Dave on October 03, 2023
Q: Hi,
I would like to put some money in US healthcare. What do you think of these ideas?Would you pick one or a couple?
Read Answer Asked by Rachel on August 10, 2023
Q: I have room for another heath care stock. I already have ABBV at full weighting. Do you still like it? If yes, can you suggest another stock in the US that would compliment it and a brief reason why you like it. If no, then which two other health care stocks do you recommend?
Read Answer Asked by Steven on August 10, 2023