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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Morning, you wonderful people.

Looking to add with your help. I am a believer in tech and growth in my TFSA. Other accounts are balanced.


Regardless of sector etc. Please let me know your top 3-5 to add to this portfolio. Longterm and conviction!

Thank you muchly.
Read Answer Asked by Jemma on September 04, 2024
Q: Hello,

Can you please compare each of these companies using the valuation metric you believe to be the most appropriate given their business models?

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Keith on July 18, 2024
Q: good day to question is this - how would you rate these US stocks as income, balance or growth? the stocks are -
thanks for your suggestions....Tom
Read Answer Asked by Tom on June 10, 2024
Q: Hi 5i Team,

I'm trying to clean up my US Portfolio so that I'm at 20-25 equities total. Please advise which 20-25 companies you would keep for a 5-10+ hold with balance/diversification but also some growth in mind.
Read Answer Asked by David on April 30, 2024
Q: BRK.B currently comprises 15% of my portfolio. Within the Portfolio Tracking and Analysis tool, it suggest that this a financial sector, and as such I am above the recommend allocation. However would not BRK be consider more diversified. Should I rebalance my portfolio away from Financials if this is to be considered?
Read Answer Asked by Gary on April 24, 2024
Q: The 3 BN, BLK and BRK.B are the largest financial holdings in my portfolio. I would like to consolidate 3 holdings into 2 only. Which 2 do you recommend? I have 20+ years horizon and have high risk tolerance. Priority is growth, no need for div for 20+ years.
Read Answer Asked by Anh on April 23, 2024
Q: Dear Peter et al:

To a question today on KKR, you had mentioned that you wouldn't be averse to adding to KKR "s position slowly.
Recently Larry Berman one of BNN Bloomberg's regular told the viewers that he has sold his equity and moved all into private equity and private credit lending. He didn't mention which private equity he bought !

BLK,BX,KKR,BN ...which is your favourite now? Anything else that catches your attention?

Many thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Savalai on March 12, 2024
Q: Hi 5i,

The following companies are being released as CDRs tomorrow: BlackRock Inc., Constellation Brands Inc., Deere & Co., Palo Alto Networks Inc., ServiceNow Inc. and Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.

Please rate them bases on long term componders, shareholder friendly and valuation.

Read Answer Asked by Christopher on February 14, 2024
Q: I have partial psitions in these Financial stocks. Would you add to the Financial sector at this stage? I have full positions in large Canadian banks. Which from my list or any others that you like would you be comfortable adding to full positions. Please rank those that you would be comfortable adding to full positiond today and target buy prices for any others that you still like.
Happy New Year and thanks.
Read Answer Asked by sam on January 01, 2024
Q: The U.S. is growing much faster than Canada. Canada’s much slower economic growth relative to the U.S. seems to be related namely mortgage debt, Given this situation, can you suggest 1) Individual U.S. stocks for capital gain 2) Individual U.S. stocks that pay dividends, and 3) U.S. ETFs? Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Ronnie on December 14, 2023
Q: Hi,
Some months ago I had asked about non correlated assets and you mentioned Private Equity as an option and chose these stocks. (Also your perennial favourite BN!) I have half a position in BN and plan to add more soon.

Among the 3 (BX/KKR,BLK) which two are your favourite and why? Or you can rank order them from the best to your least favorite.
Read Answer Asked by Savalai on December 11, 2023
Q: Would 5iR consider the following US stocks income or dividend stocks??? - ABBV with (recent) yield of 3.99%, ABT, 1.93%, BLK, 2.14%, NDAQ, 1.57% (as X-T is held in the 5iR Income Portfolio), TT, 1.42% , UNH, 1.40%, HD, 2.7% and LLY, 2.3%
.......I ask this as I want to realign my 3 portfolios, income, balance and growth, for 2024.......Thanks for the assistance.....Tom
Read Answer Asked by Tom on November 23, 2023
Q: Most of the above listed US stocks are in the S&P 500. And I'm wondering - would 5iR consider them "compounders"?.....Thanks for the insight as I'm keen to know whether yes or no!!!......Tom
Read Answer Asked by Tom on November 14, 2023
Q: Dear Peter and team,

Thank you for answering my question earlier about non-correlated assets. Very clear and helpful. For Private equity you had chosen BX as an option (also VXX) and every subscriber knows how much you like BN/BAM :) (I must say that I am tickled by the number of folks in both print and TV media, not just you, are enamored with Mr. Bruce Flatt. A true Bromance!!)

My question is how come not many mention anything about similar European Private equities firms which are publicly traded. Google search yielded CVC capital, EQT, Ardian, Apax...

Which PE firm from the EU would you consider as a reasonable complement for BX/BLK/BAM . Feel free to add any other PE firm that you think has potential.
Many thanks in advance.

Read Answer Asked by Savalai on October 02, 2023
Q: Dear Peter et al:

This is a big picture, non-personal question of a "fictional" account of a million dollars :)

From your answers to various subscribers over a period of years, I know that you have always said the portfolio construction is based on individual's personal needs and wants. Agreed!
Hence this general question!

If one wants to have 20% of the portfolio in NON correlated, steady as she goes kind of stocks or bonds, what should one buy?
I see that even though the stocks and bonds are not correlated, in 2022 they both were severely punished. Gold hasn't gone anywhere. Energy was down now but has gone waay up!

Even the ardent fans of Technical Analysis seem to be "confused" about non performance of their Intermarket Analysis approach. (John Murphy)

So, the question is how can one construct a portfolio with non correlated assets and come up with an asymmetrical barbell portfolio (Nessim Taleb?)
I have been looking at Utilities, Financials, Emerging markets, bonds, Gold........nothing seem to be appealing!

Any words of wisdom?
Many thanks in advance.

Read Answer Asked by Savalai on September 27, 2023
Q: Good day,

Can I get your take on Blackrock’s earnings? Revenue growth seems to have slowed but do you see anything to worry about for a long term investor? I have a small position and am thinking of adding. Would you consider it an add or a hold for a long-term position and your reasoning, please?

Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Doris on July 18, 2023
Q: I've been looking for an addition to the US side of my tfsa, sort of looking at the following (bn tri qlcm blk bac) but would appreciate any other suggestions, looking for growth with dividends, if possible, buy and hold investor and can take volatility.
Read Answer Asked by dennis on May 08, 2023
Any thoughts on BYD time to add more or sell/hold.

What do you like in finance space looking at COF, FFH, BLK, VISA...I already own GSY. TD, i add to existing names or buy something new?

Do you think a commodities bull market is imminent with China opening back up. If you believe the sector will have legs going fwd do you preferer single stocks or an ETF (plse list you picks)

What do you think about Natural gas prices Presently i own 1,000ARC in the space and am still up 5% is it time to cash in ?

Lastly i am sitting on 40% cash expecting another test of the last OCT lows but looking at the recent strength am staring to get a little nervous (FOMO) your thought's please is it time to start to nibble at CSU,BYD,MSFT,APPL,AMAZ ATZ, GOOG
Read Answer Asked by Terence on January 30, 2023