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5i Recent Questions
Q: Hi, We own RY/CM/GS- 12% , IFC - 2.75% and PRL -1% among Financials. In addition, we bought EQB - 1% position at $85, based on strong analyst commentary, a month ago. We need some cash to raise and were wondering if it is necessary to own EQB or with about 15% weight through above holdings, we can let the EQB go.

Thank You
Read Answer Asked by rajeev on May 15, 2024
Q: Hi 5i Team,

I'm trying to clean up my US Portfolio so that I'm at 20-25 equities total. Please advise which 20-25 companies you would keep for a 5-10+ hold with balance/diversification but also some growth in mind.
Read Answer Asked by David on April 30, 2024
Q: Dear Peter et al:

To my question on June 29th, you had suggested these three as your safe picks amongst US banks. (You also included C,BAC,WFC. But I have chosen to highlight the top three.

From tomorrow the earnings reports will start trickling in, starting with JPM.

Should one wait or start taking positions from today! Going forward, what is your prediction for these three banks?

Many thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Savalai on July 13, 2023
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