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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi 5i,

Provided the long term business models for these stocks remains intact, and seeing a sale happening now, what would be attractive sales prices for each going into earnings?

Read Answer Asked by Christopher on July 19, 2024
Q: I am down about 19 percent on MU and thinking of selling as it seems to be out of favor these days. Could I have your opinion and what would be a better growth option or two. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Bruce on July 18, 2024
Q: At today's current valuation and forward outlook which do you prefer? A short explanation would be great, plus how long do you thing these "picks and shovels" stocks have to go before spending slows down? Would you prefer the companies with the access to the "data" to be more of a longer term AI strategy? Thx.
Read Answer Asked by Christopher on June 25, 2024
Q: AMD’s share price has been going downwards, a direction opposite to most other major semiconductor companies. AMD’s business model seems sound and its newer chips, expected later this year, are said to be slimmer, more heat-efficient and much faster. Those chips should thus be in higher demand by manufacturers of PCs, and servers. Newer AI-equipped PCs need more powerful semis, and AMD is major supplier. Although AMD’s share price was up significantly in recent years, I have a rather large holding and large loss (down 22% in months-- unusual for semi companies). I read numerous analyst reports, 10Ks , other SEC filings and miscellaneous financial reviews. AMD sounds like a great business , so I wonder what I am missing. Granted, the business’ recent financials were poor , and unexpectedly below expectations. I am undecided whether to add to my position or harvest a tax loss. I am reluctant to sell just for tax reasons. Could be hard to get back in as good , high growth companies tend to run away from you.

1. I would appreciate your insight (substance please).
2. Financial ratios I have seen vary more than usual , surprisingly so, including data in otherwise reliable sources. Please, what do you show for :
Trailing P/E,
Forward P/E,
PEG ratio
3. Are you reasonably confident in AMD’s business model, and demand for its upcoming products-- the company's prospects?
Many thanks.

Read Answer Asked by Adam on June 21, 2024
Q: I have some nice gains on above listed companies. I am thinking of selling a few shares and use the proceeds to invest into related companies for diversification purposes.
What do you think of this strategy and what would be one or two suggestions for companies related to my list.
Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by ALBERT on May 27, 2024
Q: Is AI becoming big enough to warrant its own category? I'm trying to find out what your recommendations are on AI companies going forward.
Read Answer Asked by Graham on May 17, 2024
Q: I own this stock, have bought it at a low price so I'm still even on it. Don't need the cash but don't want a dog either. Do you think this has long term upside ? Buy, sell or hold ?
Read Answer Asked by Bernie on May 08, 2024
Q: I used to own NVDA at <$100/share and foolishly sold it around $300 USD before it started to climb vertically. I am now too chicken to buy back in. What would be some names to own in the AI and Semi conductor theme that are still reasonably priced? Or would you suggest sitting out of this theme for now?
I already own MSFT and GOOG.
Read Answer Asked by Anh on May 07, 2024
Q: AMD is a stock that you like but it seems to be underperforming (down 20% in the last month) a lot of the stocks in the same business.

I cannot remember the last time that ATS had a green day. It is down 28% in the last three months. It seems to me no one wants it, but I have been holding it on your advice because the majority of the time your advice is successful. I m keeping my fingers crossed. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on April 15, 2024