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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi 5i,
These companies are all I have in the tech sector. Can you rank them for me and are they all currently buyable? I’m a long term holder of dividend companies can you recommend a couple more or maybe I should just buy more of what I have. Your help is appreciated!
Read Answer Asked by Mark on July 16, 2024
Q: I'm reviewing my American holdings, looking for long-term (5-10 year++) hold. I like about half of what I have, but I'm looking to - possibly - replace positions in Intel (full position), Verizon (full position), IBM (full position), and Roku (half position). Is that a good idea? My only limits are that I'd like to keep things American, I already own full positions in Google, Costco, and Intuitive Surgical, and I'd like to avoid more healthcare.
Read Answer Asked by Sam on July 09, 2024
Q: It seems to me that one one of the major themes going forward that we as investors must pay attention to is on-shoring or the re-industrialization of the United States and the western world. Please share with me some of the global and Canadian companies that should benefit if this trend continues. I'm interested in both individual companies and ETFs.
Read Answer Asked by Les on July 04, 2024
Q: Hi,
I'm curious about a listing for Intel on the CBOE Canada (formerly NEO) exchange. Can you please tell me if it is the economic equivalent of INTC on the NASDAQ, and can it be bought in a Canadian dollar RRSP account? Are there currency implications an investor should be aware of?
Thank you very much. Michael
Read Answer Asked by Michael on July 02, 2024
Q: I own this stock, have bought it at a low price so I'm still even on it. Don't need the cash but don't want a dog either. Do you think this has long term upside ? Buy, sell or hold ?
Read Answer Asked by Bernie on May 08, 2024
Q: I currently hold a half postion in Google, Mircrosoft and Meta. Im looking starting a half position in Intel. What is your thought on Intel for a least a 5 year hold.
Read Answer Asked by Greg on April 11, 2024
Q: EDGE AI - which stocks are aligned with EDGE AI? In your view, is this an important next step in the evolution of AI?
Read Answer Asked by sam on March 22, 2024
Q: 1. Please let me know your thoughts on the best choices of Semi Conductor and Related Companies to own going forward...

2. What would be the Core Holdings going into this Ai moment +

3. Please Rate companies I have listed as Must Own 1, to 5 as Worst...

4. How do you feel about the Valuations and Stock Price of the Current companies listed...

5. Awaiting your answers..., Do You think it is best to wait for a pull back on certain stocks in the list, That may be core holdings for future...

Thanks in advance,
Read Answer Asked by michael on March 18, 2024
Q: Opinions on these two companies. Looks like Intel created a foundry division in which Cadence will be assisting Intel with designing and producing new chips. From my reading Microsoft is also involved and wondering if this may be a strategy to decrease reliance on Taiwan semiconductor and increase "home grown" chip manufacturing.
Do you think Intel can find some momentum from the AI surge and this strategy?
Is Cadence a viable way to get involved in the "back door" of the AI surge? Do you have other preferences that provide the same services?
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Colleen on February 28, 2024
Q: I do wonder if you could comment on the recent news releases in regard to Cadance and Intel foundry systems. I just started researching this and am going to admit a lot of this is over my head and comprehension. From my initial readings it looks like Microsoft has joined in on this as well, so looks like Intel, Cadence and Microsoft are in an initiative in the AI space. Is there a possibility that Intel may get some legs in this AI surge as well? The share price of this stock has certainly not soared like others in this sector. Wondering if the Microsoft relationship will have some impact on the future performance of Intel?
Could this be a way for Microsoft to lessen it's dependence on NVDA?
Read Answer Asked by Colleen on February 28, 2024
Q: Held Cisco,Oracle,Pfizer,intel,for many years now. is it time to cut the umbilical cord? i am 82 but still continue to invest.What U.S. stocks should i consider replacing them with?
Read Answer Asked by Sy on February 08, 2024
Q: Would these be good candidates for a TFSA ?
Read Answer Asked by Robert on January 05, 2024
Q: If the world is going to need all this power to deal with all this Artificial Intelligence that is going to be happening in the coming years, what stocks in your opinion will benefit from this need for electrification? BTW I tend to like stocks that are on the more liquid side so please push your answer in that direction please and thanks
Read Answer Asked by Martin on December 14, 2023
Q: Hi group please indicate in what order and at what entry price would you add to the above stocks. Only comment on the top 10 out of above list (i have a 100k to spend would you go all in now or wait until markets settle Thanks for your help with this decision
Read Answer Asked by Terence on September 28, 2023
Q: On BNN Kim Bolton chose it as a top pick saying it is coming out with chips which will compete with NVDA, and will use less power. Do you have any information regarding this? What do you think of INTC

Read Answer Asked by John on September 22, 2023
Q: Hi 5i.

Could you give five recommendations for 'hold forever' US stocks? I'm thinking the sort of companies you would never sell, and even pass the shares on through your estate, ideally.
Read Answer Asked by William on July 04, 2023
Q: Apparently there was a crypto or blockchain conference within the last week attended by some of the wealthiest individuals and companies on the planet.

Would you know what it was called?

1.It seems clear that some very influential people want this area to have a place in the world banking and trading worlds.

2. One commentator ( Josh Brown ) expressed the opinion that for the foreseeable future it will be very high risk kind of like gold mines over the years. But there might be money to be made in the picks & shovels companies..

Do you have any suggestions of companies that have merit or look to have potential in that picks & shovels areas?

Thank you

Read Answer Asked by Donald on June 26, 2023