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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: It seems to me that one one of the major themes going forward that we as investors must pay attention to is on-shoring or the re-industrialization of the United States and the western world. Please share with me some of the global and Canadian companies that should benefit if this trend continues. I'm interested in both individual companies and ETFs.
Read Answer Asked by Les on July 04, 2024
Q: Hello 5i advisors, these are the 5 US stocks causing me pain this year; i feel that all are basically good companies with room to run; (DEA, of course a Reit), I know that SHLS has received an inadequate supply and that they are litigating about that, and that they swung to a loss on last earnings; I don't know how large that issue is in terms of their revenues, profits, liability. Please rate these as buys, holds, sells from here and, for the holds, how much patience may be needed and how much upside you see. thanks
Read Answer Asked by Valerie on November 23, 2023
Q: Looking to take tax losses and not sure which to pick ? Some of them I can sell and not rebuy ? Please rate them as sell, hold, sell and rebuy. Thanks guys.
Read Answer Asked by Frank on November 02, 2023
Q: Looking to buy Qualcom & BWX Thechnology. For this I need to sell some slight losers. DIS, MP, INFY, IBKR, CVX, SCHW, BABA, KBM . Please place these in order of those you would sell first , and maybe some you would not sell at all. And , also what do you think of my two choices to buy ? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Frank on July 27, 2023
Q: CIA,CJR-B,NPI,PRMV,TWM,TIXT. CVS-N,MP-N, Witch one to sell and which stocks are underpriced today to replace.
Appreciate your opinion and expertise.
Read Answer Asked by Nizar on June 21, 2023
Q: Can you please give us your recommendations on Nickle, Cooper and Platinum stocks and ETF for both Markets.

I heard above will be key in EV and green energy. Supply will be low so prices will go up. What are your thoughts.

Can you also provide your recommendations on Mining, Chemical Processing, Battery Component Production and Battery Cell Production stocks and ETF in both Markets.

Thanks for the great service you have been providing to small investors at reasonable price.
Read Answer Asked by Hector on April 26, 2023
Q: Apparently the US military and govt are looking to invest some funds towards funding projects in Canada for rare minerals, in an effort to reduce the dependency on China for critical minerals.
Can you suggest any Canadian companies or an ETF that may benefit from this.
Read Answer Asked by Colleen on November 18, 2022
Q: Peter and Co.,
Would you please provide the 3 or 4 names of North American producers/explorers of Lithium, Cobalt, Carbon and Helium that I could consider as potential purchases.
Thanks for the excellent service.
Read Answer Asked by Ed on November 16, 2022
Q: With new electric vehicles coming I would be interested in looking at good investments which will be required for these vehicles. Would a mining stock be best, What stock would you recommend for Lithium, nickel, cobalt, manganese, and graphite? I am open to other suggestions for a good investment for our new electric vehicles going forward.

Thank you. Donna
Read Answer Asked by Donna on August 15, 2022