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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: It seems to me that one one of the major themes going forward that we as investors must pay attention to is on-shoring or the re-industrialization of the United States and the western world. Please share with me some of the global and Canadian companies that should benefit if this trend continues. I'm interested in both individual companies and ETFs.
Read Answer Asked by Les on July 04, 2024
Q: The last question about this ETF was on February 08, 2022.

On BNN recently, Larry Berman suggested buying PAVE “on a dip”, especially if one’s portfolio has too much Technology and thus increased risk. We are overweight Technology, but underweight U.S., so this ETF is appealing. Do you concur? Also, to buy “on the dip”, what might a good entry price be? Finally, are there better ETF alternatives in the U.S. infrastructure space that should be considered? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on February 12, 2024
Q: I recently asked a question about infrastructure funds and your team suggested IFRA as an ETF option (because I was just asking about one fund). Based on this and some further digging on my part, I am thinking of splitting the funds between two infrastructure ETFs i.e., IFRA and PAVE. Do you see any issues? Thanks again.
Read Answer Asked by Dan on February 08, 2022
Q: I am looking for an etf or stock that might run with Biden’s infrastructure deal. I found PAVE but it seems to have already run up a lot. Do you think it has more room to run? Any other suggestions for ETFs or stocks - maybe BIP.un?
Thanks for your great service
Read Answer Asked by Mary on June 28, 2021