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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello 5i...with respect to Cdn Industrials...I am looking to consolidate 9 positions into 6 to 7 holdings...thaey are ( largest to smaillest holding ) WSP, TFII, EIF, ATS, CJT, HPS.A, TRI, TVK, DRX, I am looking for some sort of combo of stable growth ( I have good gains in WSP and TFII and will hold, but could trim ) and potential exceptional growth. Would appreciate if you could rank based on growth and how you might see a consolidation effort for these.

One option being considered is to move completely out of CJT and /or ATS to US industrials and looking at potentials FIX or TT... would like your opinion on this move and if you have preference for one or another suggested potential US industrial ( I already hold AXON )

Read Answer Asked by Arthur on July 22, 2024
Q: Can you recommend a few US non tech stocks that you see have good upside?
Read Answer Asked by sean on July 22, 2024
Q: I am down about 19 percent on MU and thinking of selling as it seems to be out of favor these days. Could I have your opinion and what would be a better growth option or two. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Bruce on July 18, 2024
Q: At 60 I suddenly find myself semi-retired. Although it's a few years earlier than anticipated, I'm actually pretty excited - I've used the CRA retirement calculator (an excellent tool) and have a solid plan. I do need to make a $150,000 RRSP account last until I am 70 when I plan on applying for CPP and OAS. I want to pull $18,000 per year from the RRSP account a so it does require some growth. Can you suggest a mix of US and Canadian holdings and or etf's (about 50% allocation each country) for such a scenario? Thanks so much.
Read Answer Asked by Kim on July 16, 2024
Q: Morning 5i team,
Thanks for all your great advice to help grow our portfolios.
I own some URI and looks like it’s stalled and looking to sell that and buy one of the following, COST, TT, WMT, CAT or HD.
What are your thoughts on that move or would you put it somewhere else?
Read Answer Asked by Joe on July 08, 2024
Q: It seems to me that one one of the major themes going forward that we as investors must pay attention to is on-shoring or the re-industrialization of the United States and the western world. Please share with me some of the global and Canadian companies that should benefit if this trend continues. I'm interested in both individual companies and ETFs.
Read Answer Asked by Les on July 04, 2024
Q: good day to question is this - how would you rate these US stocks as income, balance or growth? the stocks are -
thanks for your suggestions....Tom
Read Answer Asked by Tom on June 10, 2024
Q: Recently FIX has been very favourably mentioned in the Q + A. I have been holding TT for some time (and wow, thanks very much 5i for referring to this). Are the 2 very similar or can both be held? And if only one, which would you see as having the better total return performance going forward? Thank you for the excellent service.
Read Answer Asked by Leonard on June 01, 2024
Q: Hi, can I get your recommendations on some Industrial stocks for a conservative portfolio as well as a few picks you might lean to with your inclinations for more growth. Thank you as always! Looking forward to your suggestions.
Read Answer Asked by Harry on May 22, 2024
Q: Hi 5i,

In some jurisdictions in British Columbia all new homes being built cannot use gas for heating and cannot use gas appliances for cooking.

Also in BC there is a new program allowing low and middle income earners to replace their gas and oil furnaces with heat pumps for virtually no cost to the homeowner.

There seems to be a small but growing segment that is going in this direction. Are there any companies (Canadian or U.S. or even International)that specialize in heat pumps (manufacturing, installation, and/or maintenance) that you would recommend as an investment at this time?

Would Trane or Honeywell fit this description?

If there are any, could you please rank them in order of preference on a scale of 1 to 10?

Read Answer Asked by Brian on May 17, 2024
Q: In reference to your answer that we should consider being overweight the US at this time, can you give one US name in each sector for modest growth (not dividends) over the next few years? Please take as many credits as necessary with thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Gregory on May 17, 2024
Q: I am seeking a few ideas to deploy US dollars in both RRSP and TFSA for a balance hold approach, and dont need tech. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Steven on May 13, 2024
Q: Could you please provide 3-4 names of US companies that you buy now in each of the following sectors: Technology, communications, industrial, discretionary, and Materials.
Read Answer Asked by Ahmed on April 01, 2024
Q: Can u pick your 3 best choices and why for a long term hold in this market area? Is it too concentrated to own all of them? Are there any CDN examples of these home builder companies you recommend?
Read Answer Asked by Graeme on March 13, 2024
Q: A recent comment of "But we do prefer higher-growth companies" than LNTH, which companies would you be referring to?

Thanks for your service!
Read Answer Asked by Ozzie on February 26, 2024