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5i Recent Questions
Q: Is the negative book value a concern for the company. I see some online people claiming the stock is undervalued, however, how can that be if it has a negative book value. Is the dividend safe?
Read Answer Asked by Dominic on July 17, 2024
Q: Morning 5i team,
Thanks for all your great advice to help grow our portfolios.
I own some URI and looks like it’s stalled and looking to sell that and buy one of the following, COST, TT, WMT, CAT or HD.
What are your thoughts on that move or would you put it somewhere else?
Read Answer Asked by Joe on July 08, 2024
Q: Many Consumer brands are under pressure but will turn around at some point soon. Any guess as to how far out? What to watch for? Could you rank and add thoughts behind your best overall pick to accumulate... Is there another company you would also consider at this time?

thx, M
Read Answer Asked by Mark on July 03, 2024
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