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5i Recent Questions
Q: Without China due to their economic problems will Copper prices go up. Demand in other areas increasing EVS, Utilities, Home Builders, AI etc outlook looks good for demand. What about price .

If Trump and Canada and other countries hit China with tariffs on EVS less demand will be the result.

Why does China do it to itself with over supplying the World with goods It will Cost China jobs They have an aging population with a low birth rate , Not a good outlook

your comments please RAK
Read Answer Asked by bob on July 11, 2024
Q: Hi Peter and Staff

I currently have 9% of my portfolio in O&G (excluding pipelines) and only 1% in materials (NTR)

-would you suggest I drop my O&G a bit to add a miner ?

-if so would you suggest FCX , TECK.B for a long term hold or another name?

Thanks for all you do
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on July 08, 2024
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