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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Without China due to their economic problems will Copper prices go up. Demand in other areas increasing EVS, Utilities, Home Builders, AI etc outlook looks good for demand. What about price .

If Trump and Canada and other countries hit China with tariffs on EVS less demand will be the result.

Why does China do it to itself with over supplying the World with goods It will Cost China jobs They have an aging population with a low birth rate , Not a good outlook

your comments please RAK
Read Answer Asked by bob on July 11, 2024
Q: Hi Peter and Staff

I currently have 9% of my portfolio in O&G (excluding pipelines) and only 1% in materials (NTR)

-would you suggest I drop my O&G a bit to add a miner ?

-if so would you suggest FCX , TECK.B for a long term hold or another name?

Thanks for all you do
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on July 08, 2024
Q: Can you please advise on the top 5 stocks for people looking for copper exposure in their portfolio? Please order in terms of risk-adjusted long-term returns, factoring in the current stock price. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Menaka on June 24, 2024
Q: Hi Peter, if I wanted the get some copper exposure which way would be best, through specific stocks or an ETF and do you have any suggestions for both at this time. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Nick on June 03, 2024
Q: It appears that copper price is starting an uptrend. What individual stocks or ETFs would you recommend for taking best advantage? Is a precious metal ETF with more than just copper a good idea?

Ok thanks
Read Answer Asked by Robert on March 28, 2024
Q: Given the upcoming green technologies, what might be the most promising Canadian copper companies to invest in for medium term growth?
Read Answer Asked by Richard on December 12, 2023
Q: Hi Peter and Staff
Long time holder of NTR and have whittled my materials to just this one with a 1% weighting . Selling now at this price seems like a bad idea but with the premise “it doesn’t care what you paid for it “ for a long term hold , do you favour it , SJ or TECK.B and why ?

Thanks for all you do
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on December 04, 2023
Q: Can you compare and rank, for profitability and secondly, for growth prospects, the 5 Canadian listed copper producers, with the best 5 -10 year profitability and growth outlook, that may operate mines in Canada and/or other countries? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Will on November 22, 2023
Q: Hi - thoughts on where Teck’s share price goes from here? Not much of a bump with the announced sale of the coal business to Glencore, Thought we might have seen a bit more of a move up / premium on the sale. Are there any other catalysts that you can see at this time that may cause the share price to spike? Feels like things may just drift downwards/sideways for a while, especially with the cost overruns that were announced last month in other parts of their business.
Read Answer Asked by Jason on November 16, 2023
Q: TECK made a big move today, selling their coal business for $9 B (US funds). Wondering what you think of the deal, and more importantly, what do you think of TECK.B as an investment now that it will be divesting the coal business. The stock rose about $3 initially on the news, but then fell back to just below the previous close, so clearly, some people were not impressed with the deal.
Read Answer Asked by Dan on November 16, 2023