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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: COPP.TO (Global X Canada) COPP (Sprott ETF in USA) COPX (Horizon Global X USA) - Do you have any preference for a Canadian resident who wants to invest in a diversified copper ETF? Do you have an alternative suggestion to these ones? Both the COPP (Sprott US) and COPX (Horizon US) are treated as US situ property with respect to Estate taxes.
Read Answer Asked by Ford on June 12, 2024
Q: Can you please recommend your favourite metal ETF for URANIUM, COPPER and GOLD.

Thanks for the great service
Read Answer Asked by Hector on June 04, 2024
Q: Hi Peter, if I wanted the get some copper exposure which way would be best, through specific stocks or an ETF and do you have any suggestions for both at this time. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Nick on June 03, 2024
Q: best way to play cooper ??? for rewards of future electrification
Read Answer Asked by JOSEPH on August 30, 2023
Q: If one wanted to invest in copper, what would i5R recommend, both individual companies & ETFs. Please give a brief financial explanation for each recommendations. Thanks. … Cal
Read Answer Asked by cal on June 21, 2023
Q: I believe in copper investments for long term for various reasons.What would be your choice concerning copper mining stocks ETF,I noticed that COPP holds mostly CDN stocks and COPX is quite diversified geographically.Any other copper mining stock ETFs suggested ?
Read Answer Asked by Jean-Yves on January 25, 2023
Q: Retired, dividend-income investor. Reading lots about supply chain shortages (semi-conductors, copper, steel, etc). How are we best to play this?

Should we consider selecting companies within specific industries (Copper Mountain or Teck comes to mind) or should we go the ETF route (via ZMT or another suggestion via 5iR)?

A dividend would be a bonus. BTW, in the materials sector I already own NTR.

Please list some companies that I can research.

Please list some ETFs that I can research.

Read Answer Asked by Stephen on September 20, 2021
Q: Good afternoon,

Could you please pass along on how best to take advantage of rising copper prices both using an equity( s) and etf.
Same question as it applies to the semi conductor space.
Please feel free to deduct 2 credits as I have posed 2 questions.

Thank you,

thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Brad on July 12, 2021