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5i Recent Questions
Q: Can you please recommend your favourite metal ETF for URANIUM, COPPER and GOLD.

Thanks for the great service
Read Answer Asked by Hector on June 04, 2024
Q: I'm trying to understand why HURA has outperformed URA by almost 20% this year. Holdings like Cameco and the Sprott Physical Uranium Trust Fund that have moved alot seem to have relatively similar weightings in both funds. NAK Kazatomprom AO - GDR hasn't had as strong returns YTD and is actually overweighted in HURA vs. URA. I don't think the USD-CAD has had any major impacts on the returns this year. What am I missing?

Also I think Cameco has had exceptional returns in 2023 far outpacing the ETF, do you think the others will catch up over time?
Read Answer Asked by Husseinali on December 11, 2023
Q: Hey Guys,

- In this current environment, I know you are not betting people/advisors, But What in Your Opinion that Stands out as a Theme, Investment or Speculative Play that may be something to look at...
- Take speculative funds and invest in what?

Read Answer Asked by michael on October 03, 2023
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