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5i Recent Questions
Q: Saw a blurb in Seeking Alpha about these firms as good growth stocks as well as the etf.
Sold my SMCA and have $30K U.S. to invest . I can buy 3 of these, which 3 do you like for 36- 48 months?
Thank you David
Read Answer Asked by David on July 19, 2024
Q: Can you please recommend your favourite metal ETF for URANIUM, COPPER and GOLD.

Thanks for the great service
Read Answer Asked by Hector on June 04, 2024
Q: I currently own URNM, a uranium etf. I'm thinking of switching out of it to equal weights of CCO, DML and NXE. What do you think of this strategy? Are you comfortable with the three producers or is there another one you would swap in? Or do you prefer just to keep URNM? Your thoughts?
Read Answer Asked by Steven on March 19, 2024
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