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Q: Can you please recommend your favourite metal ETF for URANIUM, COPPER and GOLD.

Thanks for the great service
Read Answer Asked by Hector on June 04, 2024
Q: 1. Most gold mining stocks are not going anywhere since 2020. I’m looking for juniors for possible growth. CXB is getting traction since its Marathon Gold acquisition. You have already suggested KNT, KRR, ORLA. I find ORLA interesting and many analysts follow it. Would you compare CXB with the other 3 for future growth?

2. Would you have a reference for ranking countries as per their “friendliness”/risk for mining companies, eg african, latin american ones.

3. Is GDXJ really represent “junior” miners ?

Merci, Denise
Read Answer Asked by Denise on February 01, 2024
Q: Peter; My 25 year old granddaughter is interested in buying gold- she’s a CA already and is now working in M&A with an accounting firm. Any suggestions as to how to “ buy” gold for her age and time frame would be appreciated. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Rodney on August 03, 2023
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