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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Does 5i have a preference for any particular US or Canadian silver miners? In the past, the go to name was always First Majestic but the fiasco surrounding Jerritt Canyon seems to have hampered the company.

Thank you as always
Read Answer Asked by Brad on May 21, 2024
Q: My allotment to precious metals is now down below my target of 5%. I need to add to bring up this part of my portfolio. I have a full position in AEM. Which of PAAS, SSRM, BTO, KRR or FNV should I add to at this time? Or do you have another precious metal company that would be appropriate at this time?
Read Answer Asked by Steven on February 14, 2024
Q: Sir. In the spirit of weeding the garden, I find myself well down in these stocks…with a time frame of 1 year , please comment on which to keep or toss how…. 5i had good things to say about many of these in the past, but we all know that times change quickly in this business…
Read Answer Asked by James on February 05, 2024
Q: I own First Majestic Silver Corp. I didn't notice it listed in the drop down menu of companies above. AG is my worst preforming stock in my precious metals sector. Would you sell it for another stock that has better prospects (if so which one and a brief why) or would you still hold. It in a TFSA so there is no tax loss harvesting her. I already own AEM, KKR, BTO and SSRM.
Read Answer Asked by Steven on August 09, 2023
Q: Several of the bigger silver miners are trading at 52 week lows and technically look terrible. Yet silver itself is nowhere near its 52 week low.

Which mid/large cap silver miners have the most leverage to the price of silver?
Read Answer Asked by Eric on June 26, 2023
Q: What are the analysis consensus on this company. Also, I understand they are producing more gold than silver???? and is there an overall average cost for gold production(all in costs). I understand they have more than more than one mine. Reason for the question, I'm down on stock price and I am trying to get a feeling whether to hold or sell the stock, and maybe put it into MAG silver do you have a better suggestion.
Read Answer Asked by Earl on April 26, 2023
Q: Which small and mid-cap miners in the gold and silver space are poised for impressive production growth in the near term?
Read Answer Asked by Brian on March 30, 2023