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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: This sentence comes from an Goldman Sachs article. What are some examples of the “Utilities” companies referred to here? ….he sees more room for the AI theme to run and expects AI beneficiaries to broaden out beyond just Nvidia, and particularly to what looks set to be the next big winner: Utilities.
Read Answer Asked by Kim on July 23, 2024
Q: Electrification seems to be a big theme going forward. Can you suggest some companies, large and small cap, and any utilities that stand to benefit the most from this . I would assume Hammond would be a beneficiary.
Read Answer Asked by Mario on July 10, 2024
Q: My wife and I hold a blend of mainly dividend paying blue chip Canadian stocks (examples shown) in a diversified equity/fixed income portfolio. PE ratios on some of our dividend payers seem enticing to add to. As retirees with a reasonably conservative approach, what sectors does 5i feel have the best opportunity for P/E margin expansion over the next several years, assuming no 'abnormal' (whatever that is) market volatility and some moderation of interest rates? Consistent with the margin expansion theme, would 5i suggest we add to our existing dividend payers, or to more growth-oriented names like BN group?
Read Answer Asked by Edward on July 10, 2024
Q: I presently have these underwater stocks in a RESP. BCE, BEP.UN, ENB, FTS, LMN, XIC, ZEB, ZRE. The RESP will not be need for the next 10 years. I would like to sell some of these underwater stocks. Which stocks would you recommend keeping & which stocks would you recommend selling. Thanks … Cal
Read Answer Asked by cal on July 04, 2024
Q: Good morning,

BEP,UN is classified as energy in portfolio analytics, should it not be under utilities?

Thanks for the unique service you provide followed your suggestion on NVDA after 2 splits my cost base is 3.80$ only problem is the taxman with clawback at 91 000 already reached and at 107 000 combined rates plus clawback in quebec is 65 % ????
I put all the money, work, risks for one third of profit!!
I see no way around this do you have any suggestion or resources to address this.
I won't ventilate to much as my language would not be proper.
Thank you !
Read Answer Asked by Denis on June 18, 2024
Q: I was watching an interview with David Rosenberg and Ed Devland. They were stating that the Canadian interest rates are going to have to be cut several times due to economic conditions. Can you recommend investment strategies to benefit from this . For example bonds going up in value because of the inverse relationship of interest rates and bond values. What bond etf's ect. Can you give US recommendations also, as it sounds like the Us will be later than Canada.

Read Answer Asked by Brian on June 12, 2024
Q: I have some cash in my RRSP to invest for a long-term hold. My primary goal for these funds is to add income from a higher dividend-paying, large and stable company. I’d also like some upside on capital appreciation although not the primary focus. I’m looking at these companies and I’m open to other suggestions.

Could you please rank these by the potential to increase the dividend over time?

Could you separately rank by potential capital appreciation?

Finally rank by stock price volatility

Much appreciated
Read Answer Asked by Raymond on May 28, 2024
Q: I hold XLB in my RRSP. What do you think of swapping the XLB for BEP.UN?

Can you address the answer in various interest rate directions please?

( Between BIP.UN in the RRSP and the BN and BAM outside, I already have 10% exposure to the group. Doing the trade would have me bumping 15%. )

Thank You
Read Answer Asked by Tim on May 24, 2024
Q: I did really well buying oil stocks when oil tanked 4 years ago, and holding during the recovery. What beaten up sector do you feel has great recovery potential like this currently? Would REIT's qualify since rate cuts appear to be coming soon, or are you not as confident in the recovery due to vacancy's & recession possibility? Thx
Read Answer Asked by Adam on May 23, 2024
Q: In an earlier question you mentioned that although you disliked giving targets for entry points, you suggested $37 for BEP. That's $10. below its current price: does this mean that you expect further drops? My concern is only that, because of my age, time in the market is limited, so waiting for recovery is less feasible than it was when I was younger.
Read Answer Asked by M.S. on May 22, 2024
Q: Hello
What are the differences between these two and what are the advantages of one over the other. I have BEPC-UN in a taxable account and wonder would I be better served, re taxation, to switch it over to BEPC.
Read Answer Asked by JEFF on May 08, 2024
Q: Hi, with the relatively attractive PE ratio of Utilities and the proxy play of increased energy consumption demands of AI, can you recommend 3 Canadian Utilities and 3 US Utilities with a growth focus for a 2-3 year hold, and your thoughts on each.
Read Answer Asked by Colum on May 07, 2024
Q: I see that todays news of a huge contract to supply Microsoft has given some life to the share price. But the share price is still quite low compared to a year or two ago. I am having trouble judging how much value the contract adds I would think a contract of this size will quickly give a much stronger boost to the stock, even though some of the contract is a few years away.. How much value does it add, in your opinion? Is the share price too low now? i already have a full position, but I'm thinking of adding more
Read Answer Asked by arnold on May 01, 2024
Q: Good day,

Did a huge portfolio makeover a few months ago, almost entirely with your picks (minus a few that didn't click for me) and some of my high own high conviction names. For the most part, they've all done pretty well, with the exception of the last few weeks.

1. Is the last few weeks just overall uncertainty/retraction?
2. bep and bip are down ~15%, is it worthwhile getting out and averaging down BAM or BNS?
3. ATS and CELH are down after large runups after I bought. worth buying/averaging down on one of these?
4. DCBO and NXT back to scratch after huge runs. Do you expect those levels to return? Timeline wise? NXT spun from FLEX, but Flex continues to climb
5. KXS is down 8%, and seems pretty spikey over the last 5 years. Just wait for the next one? Should this start to create more of a steadier trend upward?
6. I bought POWL, and it's basically done nothing, thoughts on the company now? alternatives?
7. I saw a youtuber vid that really loved POET for the coming months years. I was telling a friend about it yesterday because I like (and understand) the technology and what it could do. He literally bought some while we were talking yesterday morning and he's up 30%... Are the company fundamentals/contracts improving? or could it just be hype from youtubers and the like?

Almost all of these had some pretty significant periods of running since I rebalanced in Jan/Feb. I know market timing is not a solid practice, but in a lot of these growth names, at what point is that jump worth moving on from, freeing up some cash for another opportunity down the road? And how do you determine whether it's time or not?

Finally, in the event that your attitudes have changed on any of these, do you have a top 3 CAD, top 3 US new ideas over the last few months that have really turned the tide/become strong buys that I may replace/add?

Thanks for everything!

Read Answer Asked by James on May 01, 2024
Q: Hi, doing some housekeeping and switching the above two stocks in my non registered account to bipc and bepc ?
Could you suggest 1-2 other stocks you like , maybe with more growth and smaller dividend. I will probably keep bipc, but overweight bepc. Sector not a issue.

Read Answer Asked by Brad on March 20, 2024