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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi. I need to generate some cash out of a portfolio holding these positions. Can you please rank the noted companies in terms of which you would sell now based on current valuations and outlook over the next 2-3 years?
Read Answer Asked by Chris on October 24, 2024
Q: Good day everyone. My holding in the following companies represent 25.11% of my investment portfolio across 3 registered and 1 cash account:
BN 5.00 %
BAM 2.36 %
BIPC 2.22 %
BIP.UN 1.35 %
BEPC 1.25%
For a total of 12.18 % amongst the Brookfield group of companies

CSU 5.49 %
TOI 1.81 %
LMN 1.40 %
For 8.7 % in CSU and associated companies

MLF 4.23 %

Collectively these holdings represent about 25.11 % of my holdings at the end of the 3Q.

I understand that your services are not to give personal advice but would value and appreciate your opinion on the weighing of these investments, specifically in the Brookfield group. The portfolio has done reasonably well (thanks fot 5i) but don't want to get complacent.

Much appreciated.

Read Answer Asked by Francisco on October 23, 2024
Q: Hi 5i, Can you please explain what Brookfield's Oct 9/24 announcement re "Reorganization of Brookfield Infrastructure Corp" means for shareholders like me that hold full positions in BIP.UN vs BIPC. As other 5i subscribers have mentioned, does this reorganization suggest that BIPC will continue to gain vs BIP.UN? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Martha on October 15, 2024
Q: Following these recent QA regarding BN.

Sep30 “ As per the latest annual financials, BN holds a 25.0% interest in Brookfield Asset Management (BAM), a 54.6% interest in Brookfield Renewable Partners (BEP.UN), a 73.9% interest in Brookfield Infrastructure Partners (BIP), and a 34.5% interest in Brookfield Business Partners (BBU)”

Oct01: “Owning the three noted will provide higher income and somewhat similar exposure. But BN will prove the 'private equity' component of its businesses that the others have less of.”

I own BN since BAM-reorg and it did very well this year. If we look at it’s underlying assets : in the last year BAM/BBU did OK but not as much, but both BEP and BIP did poorly. May be a stupid question, why did BN do so well? Market speaking? “private equity” or other assets heavier than we think? Thanks ++
Read Answer Asked by Denise on October 07, 2024
Q: I bought BIP.UN in a registered account about a year ago. Looking back, I would have been better to buy BIPC.

Looking forward ie over the long term, do you think that BIPC will continue to outperform on a total return basis?

Read Answer Asked by Greg on September 13, 2024
Q: I'm confused about the different Brookfield group of companies (I may not have them all listed), namely, which one should be held under which circumstance (income, growth, registered, unregistered etc) and is it beneficial to hold multiple, and if so which and why. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Kim on July 30, 2024
Q: A follow up question to my earlier Q wrt Brookfield Companies.

Can I have you views between BIPC.CA and BIP.UN.CA. I believe they are basically the same company, is this assumption correct??

BIP.UN is a Limited Partnership where BIPC is a corporation, what is the difference, is it mostly how taxes are managed, I know the unit pricing and dividends are different. I will be holding in my RRSP, is one better than the other for this registered account
Read Answer Asked by jeff on July 19, 2024
Q: Hey folks, hope everyone is enjoying the summer season. I own basically an equal weighting of BN (4%), BAM (4%), BEP(4%) in our various accounts. I'd like to buy a 4% position in BIP. Now comes my question, should I be a lumper or splitter - that is, am I ok looking at these as 4% positions, or would I be better to look at this as 12% position moving to 16% wrt Brookfield products??
Read Answer Asked by jeff on July 18, 2024
Q: Current overall portfolio weightings in energy and utilities sectors are as follows: ENB 2.5%, ALA 1.5%, TRP 1.5%, SU 1.5%, BIP.UN 1.5%, PD .75%, TOU .75%, CNQ .5%. Please comment on any possible additions, deletions, switches, increased/decreased weightings, considering a long-term (10 year) time horizon and the impending South Bow spinoff involving TRP
Read Answer Asked by Chris on June 20, 2024
Q: I have some cash in my RRSP to invest for a long-term hold. My primary goal for these funds is to add income from a higher dividend-paying, large and stable company. I’d also like some upside on capital appreciation although not the primary focus. I’m looking at these companies and I’m open to other suggestions.

Could you please rank these by the potential to increase the dividend over time?

Could you separately rank by potential capital appreciation?

Finally rank by stock price volatility

Much appreciated
Read Answer Asked by Raymond on May 28, 2024
Q: I did really well buying oil stocks when oil tanked 4 years ago, and holding during the recovery. What beaten up sector do you feel has great recovery potential like this currently? Would REIT's qualify since rate cuts appear to be coming soon, or are you not as confident in the recovery due to vacancy's & recession possibility? Thx
Read Answer Asked by Adam on May 23, 2024