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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Can you pls recommend 3 Cdn ETFs that focus on high dividend stocks, with an estimated 10% yield including both dividend and capital appreciation for over the next 1 year?
Read Answer Asked by Ron on July 16, 2024
Q: Setting up a simple-to-manage, taxable account, with the goal of reasonable stability/safety of capital and the generation of tax efficient income of 4-5% (ideally dividends so Canadian Div tax credit can be used) . Could I please get your comments or alternate suggestions on the following:
25% in VDY, ZUT, HTA and the final 25% split between EIF and BAM. I believe all of these distribute eligible dividends, other than HTA which seems to be Return of Capital / Capital gains.
Registered accounts are held in diversified equities.
Many thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Alexandra on June 27, 2024
Q: My grandchild is turning 20 in the fall and entering the work force, has no knowledge on investing. We are going to get him to start a Tax Free Savings Account with $2,00.00 original investment then encourage him to add $50.00- $100.00/ month there after. Untill he becomes more interested in learning more about investing we are thinking of starting with a dividend paying ETF or fund, any suggestions on a few ETF's or funds
Read Answer Asked by James on June 21, 2024
Q: Hi 5i, I have the following stocks (NVDA CSU LMN HPS.A BN XDIV RY CNQ JPM BRK.B VDY ENB) equally distributed in my rrsp, these stocks are generating 75% of my dividend-income goal. What changes would you suggest to get the last 25% , I do not mind selling my gold-stocks (the first 3) , but I would prefer to keep them. Hope it makes sense. Thank you 5i.
Read Answer Asked by Fernando on June 18, 2024
Q: portfolio strategy question

I have adopted a dividend investment strategy of investing predominantly in canadian dividend paying equities and as expected am overweight in financials, telecom and utilities, this strategy allows me to sleep well at night, I am looking at enough dividend income from the portfolio to retire on and not have to touch the principle investment.

besides the lack of diversification in geography and sector. can you give me your opinion about concerns you may have with such a strategy and what you would suggest doing otherwise ?
Read Answer Asked by Ernest on June 12, 2024
Q: I have 1.5 million to invest. I need income of $70000 per year before tax for the next 10 years. I hesitate to put it in to a single type of investment.. please suggest a mix I could use to get me close to this goal. A slight growth would be a bonus . Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Peter on June 10, 2024
Q: 5i, As Im heading to retirement in the next 3 months, I'm searching for stocks/etf with good yields, of these stocks/etf in which order would you add, after reviewing "Questions" I get BCE is good to start accumulating now, any other suggestion/advice, please and thanks
Read Answer Asked by Fernando on May 14, 2024
Q: I am thinking about moving some of my portfolio to ETF's, and when I looked at CDZ holdings, I was surprised to see FSZ as their top holding - a stock you have recently seen as a sell. Do you have any suggestions for a Canadian ETF that is more about great companies with a growing Dividend and not so heavy in Financials and Telcos? Thank You!
Read Answer Asked by Pat on March 19, 2024
Q: Hello. What are your best recommendations for ETFs that focus on dividend growth companies?
Read Answer Asked by Robert on January 15, 2024
Q: “Horizons ETFs Management (Canada) Inc. said that since no distributions are expected to be paid, the ETF will be more tax-efficient for investors who hold it in non-registered accounts.”

Can you please recommend me a few Canadian and US listed alternatives that I may want to consider?
Read Answer Asked by MG on November 13, 2023
Q: Can you please provide proxies for tax loss selling for the above noted stocks/ETFs
Please deduct as many credits as necessary.
Thanks for your insight.
Read Answer Asked by Terry on November 08, 2023
Q: I am close to retiring and have all registered accounts maxed out, but have $200K of non-registered funds to invest, and wondering what recommendation would be. I am leaning for simplicity to spread across a few ETFs to get some balance of growth and dividends. Thoughts/recommendations.
Read Answer Asked by Steven on October 06, 2023
Q: Good morning, I’m wondering if you could provide a list of a few dividend ETFs for a TFSA. Looking to contribute every two weeks. Currently hold XEI. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Seamus on September 20, 2023
Q: Hi 5i Team - What would your top 5 ETF's be as I'd like to purchase the best ETF's that you will recommend.
Thx - Doug
Read Answer Asked by DOUG on September 20, 2023
Q: I am looking for the top 2 Canadian dividend ETFs to hold mostly in registered accounts. I screened for MERs less than about 0.4 and current yields of about 4.5% or more and came up with: ZDV, XEI and VDY. How would you rank these for long-term holdings; best first. XEI is tied for the lowest MER and has the highest yield, with 29% energy, 29% financial and 17% utilities. VDY has the largest AUM at $2B but high financials at 54% and low utilities at 6%. Finally, I would like to invest in HXH in unregistered accounts but I am concerned about the low daily trading an small AUM at $92M. Thank you!!
Read Answer Asked by Grant on July 13, 2023
Q: 5I team: Being a retired income investor and stuck on the nice yield for this fund I can still not be keen on it's substantial return of capital. Can you advise on a better alternative etf or fund for hands off solid yield as a replacement? Tks. Larry
Read Answer Asked by Larry on July 13, 2023
Q: Hi, I'm slowly transitioning from a growth portfolio to a dividend portfolio for retirement, starting with positions in JEPI and JEPQ. Can you suggest a couple of US and a couple of Canadian ETFs with high dividends (+6%) that would complement these two? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by TK on July 10, 2023