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5i Recent Questions
Q: long time holder of XDV (15 yrs). I see XDIV has outperformed by far since its inception with similar yield and lower MER. For what is worth XDIV has a 5 star Morningstar rating vs 2 stars for XDV. Thinking of switching my XDV for XDIV. Your opinion please.
Read Answer Asked by MANFRED on May 21, 2024
Q: I am thinking about moving some of my portfolio to ETF's, and when I looked at CDZ holdings, I was surprised to see FSZ as their top holding - a stock you have recently seen as a sell. Do you have any suggestions for a Canadian ETF that is more about great companies with a growing Dividend and not so heavy in Financials and Telcos? Thank You!
Read Answer Asked by Pat on March 19, 2024
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