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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: According to portfolio tracking and analysis, I am short on basic materials, consumer cyclical, consumer defensive, health care and industrials. I’m also significantly short on international equities. With this in mind, can you provide your top 3 to 5 companies for each sector to increase my holdings in basic materials, consumer cyclical, consumer defensive, health care and industrials. To increase my exposure in international equities, I will be investing in ETFs. Please provide and rank the top 5 ETFs with international exposure. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Don on November 14, 2023
Q: I own TOCA. Performance has been OK. But less than I expected from an aggressive ETF. Do you know a similar ETF of ETFs , with little Canadian and income exposure? I have XAW too, which I prefer.

I also own VGRO but not very growth-oriented with too much income, so I might get rid of VGRO. Your thoughts?
Read Answer Asked by Denise on June 12, 2023
Q: For a newly retired conservative investor, can you please recommend some good overall ETFs?
Maybe one that covers the globe conservatively?
For an unregistered account.
Read Answer Asked by Lois on May 17, 2023
Q: I hold these in an RESP with the following weighting (BIP 18%, Goog 18% VGRO 23%, XAW 41%) and I am considering selling to purchase a 3 year GIC as my eldest child is approaching post-secondary education.

Which holding would you reduce?
Can you rank these holding in terms of risk?
Is there an alternative security other than a GIC that should be considered?

Read Answer Asked by Simon on November 29, 2022
Q: Hi, I appreciate the great work you have been doing to share knowledge.
I am considering the smith manoeuvre and would like to invest about $100K for a start in an etf vs Canadian dividend stocks. I would appreciate if you can share your thoughts on any ETF or ETFs that would be ideal considering the issues with ROC and ACB at tax filing time. I am also considering the importance of geographic diversification, hence the reason that I am not too convinced on going the route of Canadian dividend stocks. I am on the 50% marginal tax bracket and would also like to invest tax efficiently perhaps more towards growth than high dividends.
I look forward to your thoughts.
Read Answer Asked by Sandak on September 07, 2022
Q: Peter,

What etfs would you recommend for consideration that would cover equities outside of North America, in Canadian dollars. I am looking more towards the more established economies rather than emerging markets.


Read Answer Asked by paul on September 06, 2022
Q: I have a question regarding the distributions for XIU, XIC and XAW. According to Morningstar these ETFs are close to 100% equities, yet it looks like interest income can make up a sizable component of the yearly distribution. I would have thought most of the distributions would be from dividends. Any information regarding this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!
Read Answer Asked by Barbara on July 13, 2022
Q: 65 yr old retiring this year. I hold the following: XAW (35%), XBB (20%), XIC (12%), CDZ (7%), ZSP (7%), VTI (7%), ZIC, VTI and ENB at 5% each.
In view of the current conditions, would you increase the fixed asset portion and reduce equity? Which ones would you add to and which ones would you reduce/remove?
Read Answer Asked by Rosemin on February 25, 2022
Q: I have CIF 843 in my RRSP - it comprises 8% of the RRSP. What is your opinion of it's performance & costs. Also- could you provide 3 or 4 alternates each of both Mutual Funds and ETF, in the same asset class.
Read Answer Asked by Reg on December 14, 2021
Q: Not a question, just an observation. Evergrande is in the (mainstream) news again this AM Dec 9. Blackrock is being reported as being the second-largest institutional holder of Evergrande shares, and I wondered what impact there might be on my portfolio specifically as regards my holdings in XAW. In looking on Blackrock's site for XAW's holdings, I found that out of total XAW holdings of $3.8 billion, Evergrande accounts for a mere $21 thousand, less than 0.01%.
I haven't looked at other iShares ETF's, but as far as XAW is concerned -- I'm not worried.
Read Answer Asked by Lotar on December 09, 2021
Q: I'm looking at XAW and VEQT as global index funds that (other than Canada in VEQT) have similar exposure. What puzzles me is that XAW has an average P/E ratio of 24, and VEQT has a ratio of 14. I don't see how the Canada exposure at 25% in VEQT can make this much difference. Can you help me understand this apparent anomaly?
Read Answer Asked by Jim on November 11, 2021
Q: I have these ETF's in a TFSA with a primary goal 8 to 10% annual return. I'd like your opinion if there is overlap in this portfolio and if there would be another ETF to add. This is a smaller portfolio and I don't think it would be efficient to buy the individual stocks in your balanced equity model portfolio.
Read Answer Asked by George on November 11, 2021