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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Need to increase U.S. and Internation equity exposures in my RRSP. Current exposures are mainly from VBAL (25% weight of RRSP) and a small position in XLU, ZWU and XGD. I am considering adding SPY for U.S. equities. What do you think about this option, and what would be a good entry point? Also, what would be a good addition to increase international equity (ETF or stocks)? Knowing that you cannot provide personal answers I appreciate very much your comments. Much Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Hali on May 24, 2024
Q: Dear 5i
I need to increase my international exposure substantially . What 1-2 ETF's would be your top choices for this . What would your choice be for a basic material ETF ?
Bill C
Read Answer Asked by Bill on May 02, 2024
Q: I'm new here and am looking to increase my international exposure. Can you recommend a few international ETFs that don't have US exposure and some that include it as part of their holdings? Should I look to these ETFs to include exposure to both established and emerging markets or strictly more developed countries? I'm looking at investing between 30% of my portfolio as I already own QQQ which represents approximately 12% of my holdings now). Thank you in advance, Elaine.
Read Answer Asked by elaine on April 04, 2024
Q: hello 5i:
we are (satisfied) holders of DIVO. Would like your take on IDVO and see its not listed in your data base yet. Is there another International ETF you'd recommend? We currently hold both VIGI and EFAV in the international space.
Paul L
Read Answer Asked by Paul on April 03, 2024
Q: Hi Everyone,

I am very interested in FINALLY purchasing an actively managed Global/International ETF or Mutual Fund. I have had zero such exposure in my portfolio for many years and am also currently sitting with USD in my accounts.
I have been following Mr. Hodson for many years and even though based on my personal metrics/age I still cannot contain my high risk individual stock picking tendencies.
My Investment Advisor has loaded up for decades on 'SGA Global Equity Growth Fund' and some Lazard Freres managed fund but I am not tempted to do so.

I would greatly appreciate some of your favourite recommendations in this space.

Thank you,


Read Answer Asked by Dean on March 26, 2024
Q: Hi,
I am under weight in both international and fixed income.
I have US$ cash in both my RSRP and TFSA that I'd like to invest in these areas.
Can you recommend some US$ ETF's.
Much appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Camille on January 15, 2024
Q: Given a career move, my daughter (30 Years old) recently moved her pension money from HOOPP into a LIRA and RRSP. Given she has 30+ years to retirement, can you suggest a handful of ETFs that provide both sector and international exposure? Currently considering XAW for some of the monies. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Ronnie on December 08, 2023
Q: I've got North America covered for my investments through stock purchases. How would you manage the rest or the world if one wanted diversification with a dividend bent. Would you purchase one ETV such as VEA or buy a few ETFs. Also what's a good starting point for a percentage of portfolio outside of North America.
Read Answer Asked by Mark on November 16, 2023
Q: According to portfolio tracking and analysis, I am short on basic materials, consumer cyclical, consumer defensive, health care and industrials. I’m also significantly short on international equities. With this in mind, can you provide your top 3 to 5 companies for each sector to increase my holdings in basic materials, consumer cyclical, consumer defensive, health care and industrials. To increase my exposure in international equities, I will be investing in ETFs. Please provide and rank the top 5 ETFs with international exposure. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Don on November 14, 2023
Q: I am looking to transfer money from my sons RESP into a TFSA. He is working a lot with ample overtime and likely won't require the money to cover tuition etc.. Could you please suggest some Canadian and/or U.S. etfs that would provide a well rounded portfolio to start him on his investing journey.
Read Answer Asked by Michael on July 17, 2023
Q: Can you suggest a few stocks and /or etfs either us or CDN?

Thank you, michael.
Read Answer Asked by Michael on June 22, 2023
Q: cdn110k suggestions please. ETFs or singleStocks please, us orcdn
Read Answer Asked by Michael on June 21, 2023
Q: Late starting a RESP. First annual withdrawal will be August, 2028. Deposits to the RESP will come from an initial funding and annual contributions thereafter. Please suggest appropriate investments in the scenario. Thank you

Read Answer Asked by Richard on June 20, 2023
Q: For a newly retired conservative investor, can you please recommend some good overall ETFs?
Maybe one that covers the globe conservatively?
For an unregistered account.
Read Answer Asked by Lois on May 17, 2023
Q: Dear 5i,

In your opinion. What developed market countries look attractive to you?
Assuming one can buy a Canadian or US listed ETF would you purchase a
currency hedged or non-hedged version? Some experts appear to be recommending Europe and Japan (Mr. Buffet). I have been a customer since you launched your service and I happily just renewed this weekend. I really appreciate your unbiased objective reports and answers.
Read Answer Asked by Ian on May 03, 2023
Q: HI,
I'm low in my Consumer Defensive and Industrials sectors as well as my International allocation.
What ETF's and stocks (3-5) would you recommend for a long-term hold?
Read Answer Asked by Camille on November 28, 2022
Q: Hi! Doing some cleaning up and wondering if these are buy, sell, or hold. In reference to Shane's comments I also agree that it wasn't too long ago that so many advisors were recommending growth stocks at lofty prices. Having always been a more of a value investor I dipped my toes, but am feeling like I'd be too scared to ever enter any kind of a growth stock again. I know if interest rates peak you feel these can do well again but only time will tell and many investors have lost lots of money on the high growth names like in Cathy Wood's funds. Happy to hold any of these names if there could ever be a turn around. Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Neil on November 09, 2022
Q: Good morning, what ETF's would you advise for a new portfolio today. Mid age investor, including sector allocations please. TFSA and Non reg'd accounts

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by L on October 31, 2022