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Q: I hold ZQQ for tech exposure. It has grown 33.8% over the last year. I've noticed that RBF619, a Life Science and Technology fund, has grown 39.9% over the same period even with a much higher MER - 0.94% vs 0.39%. I assume this is due to the life science component in RBF619, including high performing stocks like Lilly. Would you switch ZQQ to RBF619 or are there other alternatives that provide a better tech return than ZQQ.
Read Answer Asked by Ken on June 11, 2024
Q: The above holdings are in an RESP that won’t be required for at least 7 years. For new money, which sectors to add and a couple of suggestions please.
Read Answer Asked by Rose on May 07, 2024
Q: Hello, I bought ZQQ on 25 January 2021 for CDN $96.79/share. Its price on 26 April 24 was $27.73/share which is 28% gain. My understanding is ZQQ owns QQQ and is CDN $ hedged. QQQ had gain of 42% in US$ for the same period. Exchange rate (US$ to CDN$) for the same period had 7.6% gain. I expected ZQQ return to be roughly QQQ gain minus gain due to change in exchange rate (because it is hedged) which would be 42% - 7.6% = 34.4%. Why ZQQ return is 28% and not close to 34%.

My broker statement shows ZQQ declared dividends and shows DRIP for the same amount as dividend. There was no change in Cash balance and no change in ZQQ shares. What happened to the dividend and DRIP? Broker statement shows cost base of ZQQ went up by the same amount as dividend. This is in my TFSA. Can you please explain what is going on here. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Naren on May 02, 2024
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