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Q: Can you pls recommend 3 Cdn ETFs that focus on high dividend stocks, with an estimated 10% yield including both dividend and capital appreciation for over the next 1 year?
Read Answer Asked by Ron on July 16, 2024
Q: My niece is looking to enter the DIY investing world and move her TFSA over to an online self-directed account. Her advisor has her in these high fee accounts above. These look like funds for a retired person looking for income rather than for a 29 year looking to grow a TFSA with the goal to hopefully get a down payment for a condo some day. Could you please give some advice for a beginner investor, ETF's some Canadian and US equities to get her started. She's a bit nervous as all ne DIY investors are. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Nancy on June 25, 2024
Q: My grandchild is turning 20 in the fall and entering the work force, has no knowledge on investing. We are going to get him to start a Tax Free Savings Account with $2,00.00 original investment then encourage him to add $50.00- $100.00/ month there after. Untill he becomes more interested in learning more about investing we are thinking of starting with a dividend paying ETF or fund, any suggestions on a few ETF's or funds
Read Answer Asked by James on June 21, 2024
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