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5i Recent Questions
Q: Need to increase U.S. and Internation equity exposures in my RRSP. Current exposures are mainly from VBAL (25% weight of RRSP) and a small position in XLU, ZWU and XGD. I am considering adding SPY for U.S. equities. What do you think about this option, and what would be a good entry point? Also, what would be a good addition to increase international equity (ETF or stocks)? Knowing that you cannot provide personal answers I appreciate very much your comments. Much Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Hali on May 24, 2024
Q: Dear 5i
I need to increase my international exposure substantially . What 1-2 ETF's would be your top choices for this . What would your choice be for a basic material ETF ?
Bill C
Read Answer Asked by Bill on May 02, 2024
Q: I'm new here and am looking to increase my international exposure. Can you recommend a few international ETFs that don't have US exposure and some that include it as part of their holdings? Should I look to these ETFs to include exposure to both established and emerging markets or strictly more developed countries? I'm looking at investing between 30% of my portfolio as I already own QQQ which represents approximately 12% of my holdings now). Thank you in advance, Elaine.
Read Answer Asked by elaine on April 04, 2024
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