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5i Recent Questions
Q: What would be your top thee picks for US Market ETFs today and why? (10+ year hold)

Read Answer Asked by Kyle on July 17, 2024
Q: I have held XLP for sometime and thought it may be better to hold a few consumer defensive stocks instead for better overall performance. Also, XLP has a high percentage of tobacco companies that would prefer not to hold.

Would you be able to provide a 2 or 3 suggestions. I would prefer US or international companies.

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by J Stephen on June 14, 2024
Q: Hi Group can you make me a list of 10 best (sleep at night)ETFs (one for each sector) c/w 5 year dividend % . I want to buy them and forget about trading or sell foe the next 10 yrs. Can be US or Cad ...Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Terence on March 27, 2024
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