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5i Recent Questions
Q: Hi.

Can you recommend fixed income ETFs, on US and/or international markets in the following areas:

- Technology
- Industrials
- Health care
- Consumer cyclical

In addition, I have a great amount of Magna International stocks (equivalent to 45% of my RRSP portfolio), that had a significant devaluation in the last 2 years. What is your recommendation? To hold, sell...?

Thank you.

Read Answer Asked by Cinthia on July 15, 2024
Q: I will be providing some funds for my grandson to invest in the market. My grandson is 13 years old and has indicated that he has a moderate to aggressive investment risk level. He would like to invest funds and hold the investments for approximately 10 years. For a 10 year hold, would you recommend moderate to high risk companies/ETFs over low risk companies/ETFs? My grandson is considering investing in ETFs and/or individual companies. Please provide your top 5 moderate risk ETFs, top 5 high risk ETFs, top 5 moderate risk companies and top 5 high risk companies with a brief comment on each investment. Please provide a general comment on the typical performance of ETFs vs individual companies. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Don on July 02, 2024
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