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5i Recent Questions
Q: Can you please recommend 3 CDN Utility ETFs and 3 US Utility ETFs that will provide in one year 10% yield including both dividends and capital appreciation?
Read Answer Asked by Ron on July 23, 2024
Q: Setting up a simple-to-manage, taxable account, with the goal of reasonable stability/safety of capital and the generation of tax efficient income of 4-5% (ideally dividends so Canadian Div tax credit can be used) . Could I please get your comments or alternate suggestions on the following:
25% in VDY, ZUT, HTA and the final 25% split between EIF and BAM. I believe all of these distribute eligible dividends, other than HTA which seems to be Return of Capital / Capital gains.
Registered accounts are held in diversified equities.
Many thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Alexandra on June 27, 2024
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