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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I presently have these underwater stocks in a RESP. BCE, BEP.UN, ENB, FTS, LMN, XIC, ZEB, ZRE. The RESP will not be need for the next 10 years. I would like to sell some of these underwater stocks. Which stocks would you recommend keeping & which stocks would you recommend selling. Thanks … Cal
Read Answer Asked by cal on July 04, 2024
Q: Is there an ETF that provides equal weight coverage of the TSX similar to what EQL does for the S&P 500?
I would like to increase my ETF holdings providing a broad coverage of the Cdn market vs individual stocks. I already have a heavy weighting in individual financial stocks and most TSX ETFs would simply further skew my overall balance.
Read Answer Asked by Bruce on April 23, 2024
Q: I currently have HCAL in a growth orientated TFSA and I don't think this is a good fit.
Currently, I hold Goog, SHOP, LMN & CLS. Do have a few ideas for a stock that could replace the HCAL ETF?
Read Answer Asked by David on March 07, 2024
Q: Just finished reading the Money Saver's email warning " Avoiding The Yield Trap " on covered call ETF's . Where it mentions ETF's yielding in excess of 10% yet uses a BMO banking covered call as an example . I believe all the Hamilton ETF covered call products yield in that 10% or better area and in the case of the banking ETF ZWB used as an example, HMAX yields 15% which beats ZEB's 10 year return by over 5% . And that doesn't take into account the 50% of the HMAX portfolio that contains the underlying stock which should return 50% of the return on ZEB .....If ZEB over 10 years returns 9.6% then HMAX should return the annual yield of 15% plus 4.8% reflecting the 50% of the portfolio containing the underlying stock .... There will also be a small capital gain/loss reflecting the covered call side of their holdings which I have no idea how to calculate so have ignored .... Please explain how I would be missing out growth in the banking sector using the example the Money Saver used were I to purchase HMAX instead of ZWB ? 15% + 4.8% = 19.8% which doubles ZEB's return ...... Please explain the flaws in my logic. { I suspect they are there I just don't know what they are }

Also could 5i give me a list of all the Hamilton ETF products that operate like HMAX { 50% of the portfolio with the underlying securities } with an explanation of what sector they represent, their current yield in percent , and annual dividend amount { I'd like this number so I can calculate the yield on any given day while I follow them and make my decisions on whether and when to purchase }

Thanks for your great service in helping us DIY investors ......
Read Answer Asked by Garth on February 26, 2024
Q: For a long term hold (15 years) in a RESP, would you prefer ZEB or ZWB and provide reasons why. Also any other suggestions would be appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by David on December 01, 2023
Q: I seem to recall one of the "Market Masters" saying the time to load up on Financials is after they have been crushed. I know you don't necessarily like the expression "load up" but if you wanted to increase your Cdn bank exposure are there one or two you think stand out as having the biggest bounce potential from here, or would you forget about trying to be right on one or two securities and just buy the ETF if you believe the whole sector might recover from these levels? Thanks for your thoughts.
Read Answer Asked by Stephen R. on December 01, 2023
Q: HI;
Today you had a question from Tim concerning the banks, and their outlook. I would like to buy some BMO; ZEB, however in the fund facts they state that they distribute any realized capital gains in December.
I do not want to get a tax slip for the yearly gains. Is my thinking off course? What do you suggest? , besides buying 6 stocks. If i wait till January , the price may have appreciated a lot.
Thanks, BEN.
Read Answer Asked by BEN on November 29, 2023
Q: I have both of the above ETF's. Thinking of selling all of ZWB and adding to ZEB . While I like the high yield of the covered calls I think there is better opportunity for capital appreciation. with ZEB. as the values of all the banks are down. This would be aa long term hold. Your thoughts .
Read Answer Asked by David on May 29, 2023
Q: Doing a little research with Google I found that the TSX has had an average annual return of 7.94% over the 50 year period of 1971 to 2021 . { Please confirm or correct that number ? } I know 5I doesn't " like " to give portfolio weightings but I have in the past seen you comfortable up to 15% for some ETF's . Would HMAX be one of them ? It looks to me like I can have my cake and eat it too as it's dividend is superior to that of the average annual return of the TSX . Not quite, but close to double ......

Also I have always wondered just how much difference in performance { percentage } there would be between these three products { ZEB. ZWB out of the money calls, and HMAX in the money calls } . In the case of a 10% correction in the financial sector and also in the case of a 10% rise in the financials. Please speculate on what you would expect the return percentage for each . { you will have to speculate for HMAX because of its short history and supposed lack of volatility due to the use of in the money calls } This will help me grasp what to add or subtract to that 14% dividend for HMAX under the two scenarios ......
Read Answer Asked by Garth on May 03, 2023