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Q: Is there an ETF that provides equal weight coverage of the TSX similar to what EQL does for the S&P 500?
I would like to increase my ETF holdings providing a broad coverage of the Cdn market vs individual stocks. I already have a heavy weighting in individual financial stocks and most TSX ETFs would simply further skew my overall balance.
Read Answer Asked by Bruce on April 23, 2024
Q: Wanting to add Cdn. oil & gas producers to my portfolio. I would like to add 2 ETFs, one to go into my TFSA and the other into the taxable (cash) account. What I would like some thoughts/suggestions on, are possible alternatives. Obviously, one of my major concerns is tax efficiency. Thanks to other subscribers for their questions and, of course, to the 5i Team. Bill
Read Answer Asked by Bill on February 21, 2024
Q: Dear 5i team.
Please explain the differences between these two etfs for O&G exposure. Do you lean more to one vs the other?

The 8 listed CO's you suggested earlier today as a possible DIY version, how would you rank them in terms of risk/reward assuming oil prices stay elevated or increases?

Thanks for your help.
Read Answer Asked by Arthur on January 12, 2024
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