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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Looking to add some large cap oil exposure, I’m having trouble deciding between the 3 large caps or just buying the XEG etf. Any insights on where you see value/potential at this point in time? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by James on July 04, 2024
Q: Good morning,

I currently own a number of different energy stocks of which most are in the OIL sector. In this current investment environment, the Gas sector seems to offer a better risk reward ratio and I would like to better balance my Oil/Gas stock split.

Question 1. Do you agree that Natural Gas stocks currently offer a better potential return than OIL stocks over the next few years?

Question 2. If so, which of the these OIL stocks would you replace with Natural Gas stocks?

Question 3. Which Natural Gas stocks are currently your best ideas?

Thank you for your sage advice.
Read Answer Asked by Francesco on June 13, 2024
Q: When you peer into your crystal ball what sector do you see as out performing in the coming 12 months? And which US trading ETF best captures this incredible growth? (Just your best guess…no recriminations if you are off).
Read Answer Asked by David on June 13, 2024
Q: I'm interested in an energy name that I can hold for a minimum of 5 years with good dividends and reliable long term growth? I'm torn between an ETF with less volatility like XEG and an individual stock like CNQ with its higher growth? What do you suggest? Should I wait for a better season?
Read Answer Asked by Graeme on May 31, 2024
Q: Hi Group can you make me a list of 10 best (sleep at night)ETFs (one for each sector) c/w 5 year dividend % . I want to buy them and forget about trading or sell foe the next 10 yrs. Can be US or Cad ...Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Terence on March 27, 2024
Q: Wanting to add Cdn. oil & gas producers to my portfolio. I would like to add 2 ETFs, one to go into my TFSA and the other into the taxable (cash) account. What I would like some thoughts/suggestions on, are possible alternatives. Obviously, one of my major concerns is tax efficiency. Thanks to other subscribers for their questions and, of course, to the 5i Team. Bill
Read Answer Asked by Bill on February 21, 2024
Q: Dear 5i team.
Please explain the differences between these two etfs for O&G exposure. Do you lean more to one vs the other?

The 8 listed CO's you suggested earlier today as a possible DIY version, how would you rank them in terms of risk/reward assuming oil prices stay elevated or increases?

Thanks for your help.
Read Answer Asked by Arthur on January 12, 2024
Q: Hi,
In your answer to Jerry today (11-01-24) you had mentioned that you prefer ETFs like XEG and ZEO for the O&G sector play. Thank you.

If I want to avoid MERs and willing to put together a group of large/mid cap oil companies (not Gas) what companies would you recommend? About 5 to 8 names would be fine.

Also, why doesn't HXE as an ETF get the "love and respect" not only from you but from others in the financial media? Is there something inherently wrong with HXE?

Appreciate your response.

Read Answer Asked by Savalai on January 12, 2024
Q: Another question regarding Martin Pelletier's Financial Post article about using oil to hedge against possible serious geopolitical events:

Would HUC work in this scenario? Please suggest at least three other Canadian-listed oil ETFs that could also work.

Read Answer Asked by Jerry on January 11, 2024
Q: Hi, Energy sector has been weak for past few months, for a variety of reasons. Oil and NG prices have been drifting lower and OPEC keeps sending mixed signals. US sanctions on Russia have only produced a muted response, with their Oil finding its way to India, China and many other countries. Oil is hovering back to $70 level and still there is no sign of US ready to fill in their SPR. After a strong 2021 and 2022 (and 1st half of 2023), do you think, current weakness could be temporary and it's just a short term breather ? Or, considering the cyclic nature of the sector ( possible recession concerns ) and history, it might be time to take some profits and reduce the sector weight, from your generally suggested 10% to say 5% ? If so, would you trim equally or in any order among these holdings ? Thank You
Read Answer Asked by rajeev on December 11, 2023
Q: Dear Peter et al:

Thanks for your nice answer to Don's question today. (Friday, the 8th of September) regarding commodities. You gave a nice selection of ETFs. Looking at them they all have high concentration of energy sector and metals. MER in 70 or 80 basis points.

I wondered however if it would be better for me to hold XBM and XEG instead and lessen the fees plus opt for these bigger fund names with much higher market cap.
However I know I will miss sectors like corn, soybean, cotton etc.,

BNN had Mr. Rick Rule yesterday and he is of course a Metals and Mining Guru! This plus your answer to Don's question made me think of taking a small position in commodities . Looking at the most efficient and cost effective way to do his. Any thoughts?

Thank you in advance.

Read Answer Asked by Savalai on September 12, 2023
Q: I listed in descending order securities that under performed since their 2022 highs. Please rank the securities in order of the best chance to recover their losses when we get back to the risk on mode. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Richard on July 25, 2023
Q: How do these 3 compare? Is US energy exposure necessary?

I have a chunk of each of these names.

Please rank in order of preference for overall rerun in next 3 years. Do all names have to be kept or can I consolidate them?

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Amir on April 14, 2023
Q: Good afternoon,

I currently hold XLE in my US Non Registered account and am considering taking profits now and adding an equivalent amount of XEG in my Cdn Non Registered account.

Notwithstanding the capital gin tax implications, do you think that the Canadian Energy sector offers better potential returns than the US Energy sector should Oil prices go to $90 and above and if so what would be your best idea in the Canadian Energy sector?

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Francesco on April 04, 2023
Q: Hello 5i
I have read recently that several US analysts think that the Canadian market will do better than the US this year. T Rowe Price was the most recent one in the National Post, i think. Wondering what you think of this thesis. And if you believe it, how would you organize to profit from it? I imagine the thesis has a lot to do with resources with the possible re opening of China. Is there, for instance, a good etf? Or, what stocks would you choose to create your own etf substitute?
Thanks as always for your excellent advice
Read Answer Asked by joseph on February 06, 2023