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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello, can you please provide your opinion of IXJ and whether you think it is a buy at its current price.

Also, if there is a different US healthcare ETF that you think is better please provide advise why and what you think a good entry price is.

Thanks as always for the advice.
Read Answer Asked by Paula on February 07, 2025
Q: Can you share your top picks for Canadian and US ETF's that would cover the relevant sectors (e.g. tech, industrials etc.)? Please take as many credits to answer this as required.
Read Answer Asked by Patricia on November 11, 2024
Q: Can you account for the recent drop in TMO and possibly also for its quick recovery.

Portfolio analytics call for more in my healthcare sector. Do you prefer ETFs or individual companies here?

Please recommend a few of your favourite quality long-term holds for both (more American than Canadian, but both if possible).

Thanks as always.
Read Answer Asked by Kevin on May 06, 2024
Q: Please recommend a few health care investments.
Read Answer Asked by Susan on April 19, 2024
Q: Could you pls provide ETFs for dividend and capital growth over the next 12 months for each of:
Communications Services, Consumer Discretionary, Consumer Staples, Energy, Financial, Health Care, Industrials, Information Technology, Materials, Real Estate, and Utilities?
Read Answer Asked by Ron on June 19, 2023
Q: I hold JNJ, PFE and CVS in the health care sector. Are JNJ and PFE sufficiently different to warrant holding both? Would you recommend an alternative (and for which one)?
Read Answer Asked by Benjamin on May 01, 2023
Q: I know that you have suggested the US for healthcare sector exposure given the somewhat limited opportunities in Canada. I struggle a bit with the single company risks in the sector given the possible reversals in fortune with political policy decisions, failures with trials and products in the pipeline, lawsuits etc. etc. Can you suggest two or three ETFs that cover the the entire Healthcare universe (devices, pharmaceuticals, biotech, health insurance carriers and/or whatever else makes up the sector) reasonably well. Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Stephen R. on March 09, 2023
Q: Hi Peter,
I don't have any positions in the Health Care sector. Please provide a few suggestions, either stocks and/or ETFs, for both Canada and USA. I would like the Buy and Hold for say 5 years or more strategy.
Many thanks,
Read Answer Asked by Roger on December 19, 2022
Q: I am looking to finally replace the following mutual funds held in a self admin RSP account, to equivalent ETFs.
FID269 - Fid Monthly Inc;
FID5973 - Fid Global Innovation;
FID207 - Fid Global Concentrated Equity;
RBC460 - Sel Bal Ptf
TDB2760 - Td Retirement Balance
TDB652 - Td Global Entertainment & communication
TDB976 - Td Health Science
TDB2580 Td Tactical Monthly Inc
My goal is to replace these mutual funds with long term, high yielding where possible, low MER, CDN or US $ equivalent ETFs. Please provide 2 or 3 suggestions for each. Please deduct as many credit s as need.
Thank you for all the invaluable investment help you provide.

Read Answer Asked by Mark on October 15, 2021
Q: I have very little healthcare in my portfolio and also need to diversify geographically. There are so many opinions on what types of healthcare to invest in (drugs, medical devices (knees, hips), insurance, pharmacies, etc.) that I am struggling to jump in. What would be your top three healthcare related choices (outside Canada) to invest in for the long term.

Thank you for the great service you provide

Read Answer Asked by Sean on July 06, 2020
Q: I just tried Portfolio Analytics and have concluded my portfolio needs some work. I need to increase US and international exposure and I need more weighting in Communication Services, Consumer Defense, Healthcare and Technology. Please recommend US/International stocks for me to consider in these categories for a five year hold. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by MATHEW on April 21, 2020
Q: Hi There

I'm needing to add some international exposure (outside NA) to my portfolio and am also under weighted on Financials, Healthcare and Industrials. I'm 38 so growth is the focus in portfolio. Can you recommend 5 top options to fit this mix - ETFs or individual stocks. Some will live in RRSP, some unregistered if that makes a difference in suggestions.
Read Answer Asked by Ryan on January 22, 2020
Q: Hi 5i team,

Given the volatile market and demographic, what will be the suggested % for healthcare sector? Currently I don't have much in healthcare and I want to add healthcare etf to my TFSA account, what's the differences between XLV , IHI and IXJ? In terms of valuation and growth, which one will be best to buy now for TFSA? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Willie on November 04, 2019
Q: After using your portfolio analytics tool I have learned I should make the following adjustments. 1. I need to increase my international exposure. 2. I need to increase my exposure to health care, utilities and telecom. Any suggestions that might accomplish both at the same time? Or failing that, your best overall pick for each sector. I do own VOX which is currently a 1.5% weighting, GWR/Global Water Resources @ 2% and GUD/Knight @ 1%.
Read Answer Asked by ralph on July 24, 2019