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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Portfolio analytics indicates that I need to increase my weightings in industrials. It also provides a link to a very informative article indicating that many industrial names are traded in the US. Can you recommend a US ETF - preferably one that can be can be purchased in CAD?
Read Answer Asked by Mary on June 21, 2024
Q: My question yesterday did not seem to go through as it did not show up in "My Questions".
In reading your newsletter "What Investments to hold in your TFSA or RRIF" - I hold the above 4 ETF's in my TFSA and was wondering if they should be in this account?
I interpret your information as they should not be in an TFSA.
Read Answer Asked by Terry on November 23, 2023
Q: I have the above ETF's in my TFSA and am wondering if these belong in a TFSA? On reading your newsletter "Investments to hold in your TFSA" , I interpreted this to mean they do not belong in the TFSA. Am I right?
Thanks for your response.
Read Answer Asked by Terry on November 23, 2023
Q: Will you please give your opinion of undervalued stocks in the industrial and consumer discretionary sectors (with good dividends). Also, related ETF's would be appreciated. Thank you for your great service.
Read Answer Asked by Donna on January 17, 2023
Q: As per your team Industrials, tech and materials/energy can be decent sectors in times of inflation.

Can you please recommend USA & Cdn ETF that you would consider holding in each above sector.

Thanks for the great service.
Read Answer Asked by Hector on January 25, 2022
Q: Hello Peter,
With rising rates, it seems that banks, commodities and industrials do well. Can you please suggest some etfs in Canada that would take advantage of those sectors? For the banks, i am thinking xfn and zeb but unsure of the others. Also, the US banks are taking small hits. Do you think canadian banks will follow suit or are they very different? Thanks very much.
Read Answer Asked by umedali on January 19, 2022
Q: Recommendations from portfolio analytics indicated i should increase my holdings in healthcare and industrials. Please provide your comments on XHC, XGI and WSP. Are there other options that i should consider?
I am considering investing in sector specific ETFs. What are comments on SOXQ and IWO.US? Are there specific sectors that are expected to show high growth in the next few years?
Read Answer Asked by Don on December 07, 2021
Q: I have historically held my investments in mutual funds through a financial advisor. I subscribed to 5i Research approximately 3 years ago and made my first investments in equities and an ETF based primarily upon information obtained from 5i Research. The returns on VGRO ETF and my equities have been 2 to 4 times the gain for my mutual funds. I recently upgraded my subscription to include Portfolio Analytics. Based upon portfolio analytics, my current portfolio is reasonably well balanced with recommendations to add healthcare and industrials as well as some international exposure. I have cash on hand that I want to invest. I will hold my investments for the next 5 to 10 years. I am looking at purchasing some additional equities and an ETF with good growth potential at moderate risk. Please provide top 10 recommendations with rankings for stocks that I should consider adding to my portfolio. Please provide recommendations for top 5 ETFs with rankings that I should consider adding to my portfolio. What is your current view on VGRO? Would you suggest topping up my investment in VGRO?
Read Answer Asked by Don on December 06, 2021
Q: Dear 5i team.

May I please have your recommendation for exposure to Materials and Industrial ETFs please.

Thank you.

Read Answer Asked by Arthur on October 27, 2021
Q: I just upgraded to portfolio analytics and one of the suggested is upping my US market exposure plus adding to Healthcare and Industrials. I was looking at the XGI, ZUH, HHL to do this but am open to other suggestions.
Read Answer Asked by Albert on May 26, 2021
Q: Good morning. Which do you feel would be a better etf for industrials in a RRif or do you have another suggestion? I understand IYJ has a higher mer but better long term performance with more holdings. Have they both equal risk? Would something with more international flavour be better?
Read Answer Asked by Tom on March 16, 2021
Q: Hello 5i Team,

Thanks for all your excellent suggesstions/advice in the past and have made good returns.
The current allocation for ZIN in my RRSP is 3.5% and the value has increased by 25%. I was wondering if it is prudent to sell ZIN now and buy XGI so that I can DRIP and add the profits from ZIN to VUN.
Read Answer Asked by Ravindra on January 29, 2021
Q: Hi 5i
Based on my recent review of Portfolio Analytics information, I need to increase my US and International exposure significantly and, also, Consumer Cyclical, Consumer Defensive, Industrials and Tech.
With the thought of killing a number of birds with just a few stones, could you recommend a few ETFs that trade on the TSX that will increase my US and International exposure along with my investment in the listed sectors, while also having the prospect of some reasonable return in the form of either capital appreciation or dividends, or both.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on November 12, 2020
Q: Tony Dwyer from Cannacord likes to refer to "banks and tanks" as good areas to be in when the economy eventually turns positive. I believe he's referring to the more cyclicals. Can you suggest both Cdn and US ETF's that would fit the bill. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Darcy on June 22, 2020