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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello 5i...with respect to Cdn Industrials...I am looking to consolidate 9 positions into 6 to 7 holdings...thaey are ( largest to smaillest holding ) WSP, TFII, EIF, ATS, CJT, HPS.A, TRI, TVK, DRX, I am looking for some sort of combo of stable growth ( I have good gains in WSP and TFII and will hold, but could trim ) and potential exceptional growth. Would appreciate if you could rank based on growth and how you might see a consolidation effort for these.

One option being considered is to move completely out of CJT and /or ATS to US industrials and looking at potentials FIX or TT... would like your opinion on this move and if you have preference for one or another suggested potential US industrial ( I already hold AXON )

Read Answer Asked by Arthur on July 22, 2024
Q: Hi Team,
After the sell off of the last couple days now what are 3 of your favourite Canadian stocks you would be keen on buying today for a long term hold, regardless of sector ranked best to least. Also if there are any US names available as cdrs that are good buys today after some extreme selling I would be interested in those to.

Thanks ,
Read Answer Asked by Shane on July 19, 2024
Q: Magma has been falling over the last year and your comments have not been positive recently. Wondering if you would suggest switching to LNR. Is there other names in manufacturing you like?
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on June 20, 2024
Q: What would you consider good entry points for the noted stocks? Is there any you would not purchase at current levels?

Read Answer Asked by Timothy on May 23, 2024
Q: Hi, can I get your recommendations on some Industrial stocks for a conservative portfolio as well as a few picks you might lean to with your inclinations for more growth. Thank you as always! Looking forward to your suggestions.
Read Answer Asked by Harry on May 22, 2024
Q: I don't have too many names I want to sell, but lots of names I'd like to buy....

One move I would consider would be to sell CTS to invest in either TMX or ATS. My question is besides the different sectors, long-term which company has the most potential to outperform the others? I'm guessing in order of growth potential it would go CTS, ATS, TMX, with the risk profiles the exact opposite?

Do you see enough potential in CTS to hold it over the other two names? Thanks in advance. - Jeff
Read Answer Asked by Jeff on May 15, 2024
Q: Help me!
My wife and I have a competition running in our TFSA accounts, which we started a few years back with the same cash balance. She is using the classic passive ETF strategy, except we got pissed off with bonds and moved that portion into QQQ/ICLN (TDB900, 902, 911 & QQQ, ICLN)
I am actively (quite low turnover) trading CDN and US stocks and ETF's
She is handing me my ass!

My current holdings in the CDN account are ATS, BAM, BN, GSY, KXS, XIT, PBH, WELL, WSP and US account AAPL, TFII, VEEV

Ignoring sector allocations (which i still need to look into), please advise any Buy, Hold or Sell recommendations for my current holdings with a 5 year horizon
Read Answer Asked by Jim on May 08, 2024
Q: Hi, I've held ATS for a while to see a nice gain and now back to even. . I'm debating on adding, selling or just holding. What would be your recommendation today and why?
What other Canadian stocks in the sector do you see as better if moving on? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Marco on May 06, 2024
Q: Good day,

Did a huge portfolio makeover a few months ago, almost entirely with your picks (minus a few that didn't click for me) and some of my high own high conviction names. For the most part, they've all done pretty well, with the exception of the last few weeks.

1. Is the last few weeks just overall uncertainty/retraction?
2. bep and bip are down ~15%, is it worthwhile getting out and averaging down BAM or BNS?
3. ATS and CELH are down after large runups after I bought. worth buying/averaging down on one of these?
4. DCBO and NXT back to scratch after huge runs. Do you expect those levels to return? Timeline wise? NXT spun from FLEX, but Flex continues to climb
5. KXS is down 8%, and seems pretty spikey over the last 5 years. Just wait for the next one? Should this start to create more of a steadier trend upward?
6. I bought POWL, and it's basically done nothing, thoughts on the company now? alternatives?
7. I saw a youtuber vid that really loved POET for the coming months years. I was telling a friend about it yesterday because I like (and understand) the technology and what it could do. He literally bought some while we were talking yesterday morning and he's up 30%... Are the company fundamentals/contracts improving? or could it just be hype from youtubers and the like?

Almost all of these had some pretty significant periods of running since I rebalanced in Jan/Feb. I know market timing is not a solid practice, but in a lot of these growth names, at what point is that jump worth moving on from, freeing up some cash for another opportunity down the road? And how do you determine whether it's time or not?

Finally, in the event that your attitudes have changed on any of these, do you have a top 3 CAD, top 3 US new ideas over the last few months that have really turned the tide/become strong buys that I may replace/add?

Thanks for everything!

Read Answer Asked by James on May 01, 2024
Q: Greetings 5i Team,
In what order would you introduce these companies to a TFSA? I am looking for growth with an eye on risk.
Is there any among these that you would prefer not to add at this time?

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Steve on April 22, 2024