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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Please provide me with your 5 of your best Industrial companies and Tech companies
Read Answer Asked by Donna on March 05, 2024
Q: Good morning - I need more US exposure as I am overweight Canada. I will need to sell some/all of holdings I have in PBH, L, ATS, TOU, SU and EIF. I hate to sell any of these companies but someone's gotta go to raise cash. Taxes are not an issue. Can you suggest US companies that you would like just as much, which pay dividends and which will keep me in the realms of Industrial, Consumer Discretionary, Energy. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by alex on February 21, 2024
Q: Why is CAE struggling. With a large backlog and with little competition in its sector shouldn't it be profitable? Is there a management problem? Where do you see it going in the future? Buy or sell?
As well, what is your opinion of ATS going forward?
Thanks for your continued expertise Stephen
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on February 21, 2024
Q: Hi 5i team. Your thoughts on switching ATS for either BYD or TVK. Looking for growth over extended time frame in a non registered account. Worry about the recent run up of BYD and TVK and wondering if I should wait for a pull back or if I should just stay the course after ATS pull back. Not looking to add another position in my already heavy industrial holdings.

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Mark on February 20, 2024
Q: I am considering starting new positions or adding to existing positions in a number of these companies. In What order would you purchase these companies, from first to last? Is there any of these companies you would not currently buy? Looking at 3 to 5 year timeline..

Apologies for number of companies!! Please deduct appropriately.


Read Answer Asked by Timothy on February 14, 2024
Q: Hello, can you suggest 5 consumer stocks and 5 industrial stocks, either in Canada and US, with a brief reason for each suggestion. I am trying to re-balance my portfolio and I am overweight in tech right now. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Martin on February 09, 2024
Q: I have been steadily building a position in ATS over the past year.

Recently you answered a question ranking to buy ATS last for long-term growth potential, behind TRI, ATD & DOL.

Also from a recent response, ATS’ eps was expected to increase by 50% next fiscal.

So I’m not sure where to put new money amongst the above companies. Thoughts?

Portfolio-building sometimes feels like making castles in the sand; it starts looking decent, then a wave comes out of the blue ;0)
Read Answer Asked by Trevor on February 09, 2024
Q: Making a large spousal RRSP contribution soon and am looking for guidance as to the best 3 or 4 stocks with a tilt toward growth that would compliment this group with a brief explanation as to thier merits and why they compliment the existing holdings. Initially had my sights set on DOL, ATS, CNR and IFC but not sure these would be the right choice to maximize compounding for someone with a very long investment horizon.

Wife’s portfolios currently include: ITOT, IEMG, XEF, AVGO, COST, SBUX, RY, FTS, BCE, ATD, DIR.UN, SHOP, GSY, BN, TOI, ATZ, NVEI
Most Mag 7 are owned in my own accounts with adequate exposure when considering combined portfolios so not looking for any of those.
Read Answer Asked by Matthew on February 02, 2024
Q: I hold ROP HEI WSP ATS TFII AXON VRT in the industrial sector. 5i has also recommended TT TDG RTX and URI. I would like to sort out which could be sold [in whole or in part] and which could be added to. For a long-term hold, which could go and which would you advise to be the core for this sector.
Read Answer Asked by sam on February 02, 2024
Q: Which 5 Canadian and 5 US companies would you buy for pure growth over the next 6 months? Can you provide a bullet for each on risk and main reasons for selection?
Read Answer Asked on January 31, 2024
Q: Hi Gang
Can you give a list of your top Industrial stocks for 2024

Thanks Mike B
Read Answer Asked by Mike on January 24, 2024
Q: Hello, I need to reduce my financials and beef up my industrials and materials. I own TD, RY and SLF, and will trim reluctantly as they have all done well for me over the years. I already have TFII, ATS, and NTR. What would you suggest for Industrials and materials. Add to existing or add new companies? As a retired sort, I prefer Canadian stocks eligible for the Dividend Tax Credit but iI am underweight the US so f you have much better US suggestions please advise.
Many thanks
Read Answer Asked by alex on January 19, 2024